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OAS 3.0.1 Released!

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@webron webron released this 07 Dec 06:06

OAS 3.0.1 Change Log

The OAI is pleased to announce the official release of the OpenAPI Specification 3.0.1!

This our first patch release since 3.0.0, containing the following updates:

Specification Changes

  • Updated document links to HTTPS where applicable.
  • example and examples fields descriptions were updated to reference them as 'fields' and not 'objects'.
  • Fixed various examples (indentation, field names, comments).
  • Removed the Examples Object as it was left over during editing of v3.0.0. It was not used or referenced to by any other object in the specification.
  • Various typo fixes.

Additional Changes

  • Clarified the roles and processes in the Technical Steering Committee (TSC, formerly the TDC).
  • Improvements to the development guidelines.