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Thijs Kinkhorst edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the OpenConext-engineblock wiki!

OpenConext Engine is a multi-purpose software component. At a high level, the Engine:

  • Provides a Proxy and manages Single Sign On authentication requests and responses
  • Offers OpenSocial data based on the SSO user data and Grouper information

OpenConext-engine has the following features:

  1. Authentication Proxy (
  • Act as a saml2int compliant SAML2 proxy to allow users of Service Providers to authenticate at Identity Providers;
  • Publish metadata on proxy IdP and SP (SAML Entity descriptor);
  • Publish metadata on connected IdPs (Entities descriptor), for Transparent IdP Proxy;
  • Publish Proxy IdP and SP public certificate;
  • Publish metadata on connected IdPs 'Shibboleth style', on a per SP basis;
  • Publish metadata on connected IdPs for use with WAYFless URLs and custom WAYFs, on a per SP basis;
  • Provide a debug interface for connecting new IdPs;
  • Enforce Attribute Release Policy (ARP) as configured via Serviceregistry;
  • Enforce Access Controle List (ACL) as configured via Serviceregistry;
  • Provide the Virtual Identity Provider feature
  1. A "Where Are You From" (WAYF) service

  2. A Consent interface for release of end-user (SAML2) attributes

  3. An end-user interface (

  • Allows users to view and administer (add, change, or delete) the information OpenConext has on them regarding:
  • Profile information (attributes)
  • Group membership information for one or more group providers
  • Consent (SAML2)
  • Access grants (OAuth)
  • Profile and group relations from OpenConext

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