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Polymath Monorepo

This repository contains all the Polymath Node packages. It is set up as a monorepo, using Node's built-in workspace capability.

Getting started

After cloning the repo, run

npm i

This will install all of the dependencies for all of the packages in the monorepo.

Next, set up the environment variables. Create the file .env in the root directory of the monorepo, and add values for the following variables:

  • OPENAI_API_KEY -- the OpenAI API Key
  • PINECONE_API_KEY -- the Pinecone API Key
  • PINECONE_BASE_URL -- the base URL for the Pinecone database
  • PINECONE_NAMESPACE -- the Pinecone namespace

After that, try running the tests:

npm test

Most tests should pass.

Finally, try running the CLI:

npx polymath -c wdl complete "what is Web platform?"

See CLI README for more information on how to use the polymath tool.

Managing packages within the monorepo

1️⃣ First, decide where the package will reside. There are three different directories, each serving a different purpose:

  • core -- contains packages that are core to the project.
  • kits -- contains packages that are used as starter kits for various environments, like remix or firebase.
  • seeds -- for early experimental ideas that are not fully fleshed out.

2️⃣ Next, decide on the name of the package. Pick a memorable name that is both descriptive and short. Abbreviations are okay as long as they are easily recognizable, like cli. Avoid redundant words, like polymath or ai.

3️⃣ Create a new package:

npm init --scope=@polymath-ai -y -w ./${place}/${package}

where ${package} is the name of the package to be added and ${place} is the directory in which the package will reside.

4️⃣ Decide whether the package will be published to npm. If no, add the following to the package.json file:

  "private": true

Otherwise, make sure to name the package according to the following convention:

  "name": "@polymath-ai/${package}[${-suffix}]"

where ${package} is the name of the package.

For packages in the kits directory, the suffix is -kit. For packages in the seeds directory, the suffix is -seed. For packages in the core directory, the suffix is omitted.

5️⃣ Organize the package. All packages within the monorepo have a similar structure:

├── package.json
├── src
│   └── index.js
├────── <dir>
│        ├── <file>.js
│        ...
├── tests
│   └── <file>.js
│   ...

We try to place most of the code into sub-directories of the src directory, organizing them according to their purpose.

One exception might be the JS-to-TS bridge, which is necessary to make the TypeScript CLI tools work.

Working with monorepo

Because some packages use TypeScript, we need to make sure the code is built and ready to go before we use it.

To make this easy and convenient, we use Turborepo. Turborepo is a build tool designed to work well with monorepos.

To install Turborepo, run:

npm i -g turbo

Once installed, you can use the turbo command to build the project. To build the entire project, run:

turbo build

in the root of the project. To work within a specific package, change your working directory to this package and do the same. For example, to build the core/cli package:

cd core/cli
turbo build

Same thing works for tests. To test the entire project, run:

turbo test

To run test for a specific package, follow the same pattern as with build. For example, to test the core/cli package:

cd core/cli
turbo test

Turborepo is fairly opinionless, so if you don't want to use it, you can get the same results (with more typing and checking) by using npm directly.

In this case, use -w ${place}/${package} to scope all usual npm activity to a particular package. For example, to run tests just in core/cli:

npm test -w core/cli

To add a new dev dependency foo in kits/remix:

npm i foo -w kits/remix

And so on.

Wiring dependencies between packages

To add one package in the monorepo as a dependency on another, you need to do some manual writing. Because npm seems to always go look for the package in the registry first, we need to add dependencies for yet-unpublished packages by hand.

In the directory of the package where you need to add the dependency, edit the contents of dependencies (or devDependencies) to add the entry for the package on which you want this package to depend:

"dependencies": {
  "@polymath-ai/${package}[-${suffix}]": "*",

Using * is okay for our case, since we always publish packages in lockstep.

Where ${version} is the current version of the package. For example:

"dependencies": {
  // ...
  "@polymath-ai/remix-kit": "*"
"devDependencies": {
  // ...
  "@polymath-ai/tsconfig": "*"


We use ava for testing.

We place test files into a separate tests directory, with the same file name name as what they test.

Watch workflow

To make development with TypeScript super-easy, use the turbo watch command. Open a separate terminal window and run:

turbo watch

This will start continuous compilation process that will enable you to write your TS without having to think about the explicit build step.

Publishing packages

To publish packages, we use changesets. The publishing workflow is:

  1. Run npx changeset to create a new changeset. This will prompt you to select the packages that have changed, and will create a new changeset file in the .changeset directory.

  2. Run npx changeset version to bump the version numbers of the packages that have changed. This will update the package.json files of the packages that have changed, and will create a new commit with the changes.

  3. Run npx changeset publish to publish the packages that have changed. This will create a new tag for the new version, and will publish the packages to the npm registry.

  4. Run git push --follow-tags to push the tags created by the steps above to the main repo.

Filing bugs

When creating a Github issue:

  • apply the relevant label (bug, feature, etc.)
  • apply scope label, if the bug is scoped to a particular package. The format of the label is scope:${package}, where ${package} is the name of the package directory in the repo. For example, scope:cli or scope:client. If the label doesn't exist, create it using the convention above.


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  • TypeScript 97.1%
  • JavaScript 1.8%
  • Other 1.1%