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Deployment Guide

1. Create Database

Create Database using the provided script(Path: "src/main/resources/static/db/schema.sql")

mysql -u [UserName] -p [DatabaseName] < schema.sql

Note that you should modify the database configuration in the configuration file application.yml(Path: "src/main/resources/application.yml")

    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:[Port]/[DatabaseName]
    username: [UserName]
    password: [Password]

2. Run Server

2.1 Running from IDE

You can use Eclipse or IDEA, import the project as Maven project then click "run as Java Application".

2.2 Using the Maven plugin (Recommended)

First you should install Maven according to your platform. The Spring Boot Maven plugin includes a run goal which can be used to quickly compile and run your application. Applications run in an exploded form just like in your IDE.

$ mvn spring-boot:run

You might also want to use the useful operating system environment variable:

$ export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128M

2.3 Running as a packaged application(Production Environment)

If you use the Spring Boot Maven or Gradle plugins to create an executable jar you can run your application using java -jar. For example:

  1. create jar package
$ mvn package
  1. run jar package
$ java -jar target/CSyllabus-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

3. Run Client

3.1 Install Dependencies

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Angular
$ cd Front-End-App
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
  1. Install other package
$ npm install ng2-pdf-viewer --save
$ npm install ngx-cookie-service --save

3.2 Run client

$ ng serve --open