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Signal Fire Connect

Signal-Fire Connect is a low-level WebRTC signaling client for Signal Fire Server, a WebRTC signaling server for node.js.

A WebRTC signaling server communicates between peers to set up peer-to-peer audio/video and/or data channels. This allows your clients to communicate directly with each other.


> npm i @signal-fire/connect


  • Works seamlessly with Signal Fire Server
  • Connect uses vanilla WebSockets and a JSON protocol
  • Automatically reconnect on close or error
  • Buffers outgoing requests until the connection has been established
  • Dispatches description events on incoming session descriptions
  • Dispatches icecandidate events on incoming ICE candidates
  • Send session descriptions and ICE candidates to a remote peer


import Connect, {
} from '@signal-fire/connect'

const connect = new Connect({
  /** Whether or not to reconnect after a normal close. */
  reconnectOnClose: false,
  /** Whether to reconnect after an error close. */
  reconnectOnError: true,
  /** Interval to wait between reconnect attempts. */
  reconnectInterval: 2500,
  /** Maximum number of reconnect attempts. */
  reconnectAttempts: 5,
  /** Function to transform the URL upon reconnecting. */
  urlTransform: previousUrl => previousUrl

// Connect to the signalling server
await connect.connect('wss://')

// Create a new connection
const target = '<target id>'
const connection = new RTCPeerConnection()

connection.addEventListener('negotiationneeded', async () => {
  const offer = await connection.createOffer()
  await connection.setLocalDescription(offer)

  // Send the session description to the remote peer
  await connect.sendDescription(target, connection.localDescription)

connection.addEventListener('icecandidate', async (ev: RTCIceCandidateEvent) => {
  if (ev.candidate) {
    // Send the ICE candidate to the remote peer
    await connect.sendIceCandidate(target, ev.candidate)

// Listen for incoming session descriptions
connect.addEventListener('description', async (ev: ConnectSessionDescriptionEvent) => {
  const { origin, description } = ev

  if (origin !== target) {

  if (description.type === 'offer') {
    await connection.setRemoteDescription(description)
    const answer = await connection.createAnswer()
    await connection.setLocalDescription(answer)

    // Send the session description to the remote peer
    await connect.sendDescription(target, connection.localDescription)
  } else if (description.type === 'answer') {
    await connection.setRemoteDescription(description)

// Listen for incoming ICE candidates
connect.addEventListener('icecandidate', async (ev: ConnectIceCandidateEvent) => {
  const { origin, candidate } = ev

  if (origin !== target) {

  await connection.addIceCandidate(ev.candidate)


I'm getting the following error

You may get the following (or similar) error:

Argument of type '(event: ConnectSessionDescriptionEvent) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'EventListenerOrEventListenerObject'

This is an open issue with TypeScript, see Microsoft/TypeScript#28357. See the issue thread for possible temporary solutions.


Copyright 2021 Michiel van der Velde.

This software is licensed under the MIT License.