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Günter Wirth edited this page Mar 28, 2022 · 7 revisions


Sensor to read reports from the BullseyeCoverage tool. BullseyeCoverage is an advanced C++ code coverage tool used to improve the quality of software in vital systems such as enterprise applications, industrial control, medical, automotive, communications, aerospace and defense. BullseyeCoverage supports a wide range of platforms.

The BullseyeCoverage XML report contains the condition/decision coverage (probe element) and the statement/block coverage (block element). The sensor only evaluates the probe element to be backward compatible.

  • The condition/decision coverage can be mapped directly to the condition coverage supported by SonarQube.
  • The line coverage is calculated indirectly, which causes a slight deviation of the metric between the tools.

Note: The cxx plugin itself does not run the tool, you have to do that yourself beforehand. The sensor only reads the report generated by the tool!

Supported versions

Create report

In order to run BullseyeCoverage and generate a fitting report, make sure:

  • to call it from the projects root directory, so that the paths in the report fit
  • that the parameter matches the sonar.sources list in

cov01 enables, disables, and displays the current status of BullseyeCoverage compiler interceptors for the current user. When coverage build is enabled, compiler interceptors pass control to covc. When coverage build is disabled, compiler interceptors pass control to the real compiler with the same name as the compiler interceptor.

covc compiles C/C++ source files after adding coverage measurement probes. covc preprocesses each source file, adds probes to the preprocessed code, then compiles it using the real compiler. The coverage file is created if it does not exist. An entry is created in the coverage file for each source file processed. The coverage file, named test.cov by default, contains all BullseyeCoverage data for all instrumented executables.

cov01 -1
cc -c source.c

covc cc -c source.c

Convert the resulting coverage file into an XML file

Use covxml to create a XML coverage report:

covxml -f coverage.cov -o coverage.xml

covmerge combines metadata and measurements in each of the coverage files input.cov into a result coverage file. You can use this command to combine measurements obtained when testing a program on separate computers with separate copies of a coverage file.

covmerge -c coverage1.cov coverage2.cov -f result.cov

Example of a report file

If the tool was executed successfully, a report like the example below should be generated (

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- BullseyeCoverage XML 8.20.2 Windows x64 -->
<BullseyeCoverage name="coverage.cov" dir="root" buildId="745ae38_2020-11-09_19:52:34" version="6" xmlns=""
                  fn_cov="1" fn_total="1" cd_cov="0" cd_total="0" d_cov="0" d_total="0">
  <folder name="folder" fn_cov="1" fn_total="1" cd_cov="0" cd_total="0" d_cov="0" d_total="0">
    <src name="test.cpp" mtime="1604936026" fn_cov="1" fn_total="1" cd_cov="0" cd_total="0" d_cov="0" d_total="0">
      <fn name="Core::TokenHandler::~TokenHandler()" fn_cov="1" fn_total="1" cd_cov="0" cd_total="0" d_cov="0" d_total="0">
        <probe line="3" column="7" kind="function" event="full"/>
        <block line="3" entered="1"/>

Configure cxx plugin

  1. First check if the file extensions read in by the cxx plugin are set (sonar.cxx.file.suffixes).
  2. Set the analysis parameter sonar.cxx.bullseye.reportPaths in the configuration file of your project. The Report Paths link describes the configuration options.
  3. Execute the SonarScanner to transfer the project with the report to the SonarQube Server.

Sample for



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