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A lightweight component to design flowcharts. Check out the demo for some examples.


  • Different shapes of nodes.
  • Add/Remove/Move nodes
  • Add/Remove/Reshape links between nodes
  • Enable/Disable adding/editting/removing links
  • Zoom and Pan
  • Raw or typed input/output

Screenshot of ImageAnnotator


Install react-flowchart-builder using npm.

npm install react-flowchart-builder

Then you can just import the component and its hook:

import { Flowchart, useFlowchart } from 'react-flowchart-builder';

and use it as below:

const { setHandles, flowchart } = useFlowchart();
<button onClick={() => { flowchart.addNode(50, 50, 'my node') }}>Add Node</button>
<Flowchart setHandles={setHandles} width='700px' height='400px' editable={true} />

Clicking the button creates a new node at x = 50, y = 50. Drag the orange square from one node to another to add links.

Mouse and Keyboard events

  • click: Edit/Stop Edit Links - Select Node/Link
  • double click: Edit Node/Link text
  • mouse wheel: Zoom
  • mouse drag: Pan - Move Node/Link
  • Delete key: Delete Node/Link

Loading/Saving a Flowchart

Load/save a flowchart using the data model below:

const load = () => {
  let nodes = [
    { id: 1, text: 'node1', X: 50, Y: 50 },
    { id: 2, text: 'node2', X: 150, Y: 50 },
  let links = [
    { from: 1, to: 2 },
    { from: 2, to: 2 },
  flowchart.addNodes(nodes, links);

const save = () => console.log(flowchart.getData()) // { nodes: […], links: […] }
<button onClick={load}>Load</button>
<button onClick={save}>Save</button>


The following props can be defined on Flowchart:

Prop Type Description Default
width * string Flowchart width
height * string Flowchart height
editable boolean Enable/Disable adding/removing links false
onReady FlowchartHandles => any When the flowchart is mounted

(*) required props


You can access the handles using the Flowchart object as follows:

<button onClick={() => { flowchart!.addRhomNode(100, 100, txt) }}>Add Rhombus Node</button>

Below is a list of all handles:

Handle Type Description
addRectNode (left: number, top: number, text: string, id?: number, color?: string) => number Adds a rectangle node at (left, top), returns its id
addCircleNode (left: number, top: number, text: string, id?: number, color?: string) => number Adds a circle node at (left, top), returns its id
addRhomNode (left: number, top: number, text: string, id?: number, color?: string) => number Adds a rhombus node at (left, top), returns its id
addNodes (nodes: NodeData[], links?: LinkData[]) => void Adds multiple nodes and links (see Loading a Flowchart)
getData () => { nodes: NodeData[], links: LinkData[] } Gets all nodes and links (see Saving a Flowchart)
changeLinkType (id: number, type: string) => void Changes the type of a link (solid/dashed)


Below is the data model for nodes:

Prop Type Description Default
id number Node identifier
X * number The x position of the node
Y * number The y position of the node
text * string Node text
color string Node color white
shape string Node shape can be rectangle, circle, or rhombus rectangle

(*) required props


Below is the data model for links:

Prop Type Description Default
from * number The id of the origin node
to * number The id of the destination node
text string Link label
type string Link type (solid/dashed) solid
meta object information about the shape of the link

(*) required props


  • Fork the project.
  • Make changes.
  • Run the project in development mode: npm run ladle.
  • Test your changes using flowchart.stories.tsx or your own Stories (*.stories.tsx).
  • Update README with appropriate docs.
  • Commit and PR


React Flowchart has no dependency. However the following peer dependencies must be specified by your project in order to avoid version conflicts: react, react-dom. NPM will not automatically install these for you but it will show you a warning message with instructions on how to install them.