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Releases: TokisanGames/Terrain3D


01 Jul 19:07
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v0.9.2-beta Release

This massive update includes long desired features like a foliage instancer, paintable rotation and scale, fixes for artifacts, and countless other improvements.

Download under Assets below and follow the Installation & Upgrade instructions.

Games Made With Terrain3D

Check out other Games Made With Terrain3D. If you're using Terrain3D in your game, let me know so I can add it.


  • Supports Godot 4.2.2+. 4.3 works with beta2, but isn't supported until it is stable.
  • Includes binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS and experimental mobile platforms.
  • macOS/iOS are unsigned universal builds. You may need to jump through Apple security hoops to use them. If you have problems, your best bet is to build from source.

Breaking Changes & Known Issues

  • Thumbnail generation of the mesh assets in the asset dock is a bit wonky. Click Meshes or hover to regenerate.
  • Internally, we restructured the classes so the major sub classes (eg Terrain3DStorage) has a link back to the Terrain3D instance in PR #371. This revealed a garbage collection bug (design choice) in Godot for C# users.
  • The texture list from 0.9.0/1 should automatically upgrade to the new asset list. Open a scene, the console reports it detected the old version and asks you to save right away to upgrade. If you have multiple scenes sharing the same asset list, open and save to upgrade the first one. All of the other scenes will be broken, but you just need to quick load the asset list and save.

Notable Updates

  • Added a foliage instancer. Hold CTRL to remove. #340 and #402
  • Detiling in the Texture Asset is now usable by @Xtarsia in 46a36bd
  • Fixed the long standing artifact on region boundaries #185 by @Xtarsia in #353
  • Paintable UV rotation & scale by @Xtarsia in #365
  • Terrain3DObjects allows MeshInstance3Ds to track terrain sculpting changes by @tcoxon in #325
  • The Asset Dock is now movable and can be in any sidebar or down at the bottom of the screen. Settings are saved. #338


New Contributors

Thanks to all our contributors including some new ones: @Xtarsia, @FishOfTheNorthStar, @jeffercize, @az-raven

Full Changelog - Updated: July 8th

This is a huge release with 118 131 commits! The download has been updated to include a few additional changes that aren't worth another release.
Full change log:

Terrain3D v0.9.1-beta

18 Feb 10:18
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gpu_mouse_detection mp4_snapshot_00 00_ 2024 02 18_07 25 04

v0.9.1-beta Release

Download the compiled binary package found under Assets below. Ignore the files labeled Source code.

This version comes with full API docs, improved mobile support, improved mouse cursor, an awesome slope sculpting tool, vertex spacing for higher and lower poly worlds, and more.


  • Supports Godot 4.1 and 4.2. 4.3 may work but is not supported until it is stable.
  • Includes binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS and experimental platforms Android 32/64, iOS for cross-platform exports.
  • macOS/iOS are unsigned universal builds. macOS work on both M1/Arm and Intel x64. You may need to jump through Apple security hoops to use them. If you have problems, your best bet is to build from source.

Breaking Changes

  • v0.8 deprecated classes have been removed. To seamlessly update from <=0.8.3 first load in 0.8.4 or 0.9.0 and save, then upgrade to this or future versions.
  • Possible custom shader breaks, definite improvements in base shader

Notable Changes

  • Slope sculpting tool by @tcoxon in #297
  • Relaxed texture requirements, moving responsibility for texture compatibility to developer. Also enables android and ios support. by @lfxu in #295
  • iOS Support by @directedchaossoftware in #219
  • Vertex spacing (mesh density) by @lfxu in #296 and @TokisanGames in #323
  • Add channel packer tool by @epitaque in #259
  • Improved mouse cursor, support all 4 viewports inc half resolution and orthogonal by @TokisanGames in #313
  • Improved rotation anti-tiling by @outobugi in #317
  • Full documentation for the API.
  • An example minimal custom shader was added to the extras directory. This provides mesh functionality without any texturing or advanced features like holes.
  • Added maps_edited signal to Terrain3DStorage by @tcoxon in #305 and #274
  • Brush size can now be manually entered larger than 200
  • and countless fixes and improvements

New Contributors

Thanks to all our contributors including some new ones: @lfxu, @directedchaossoftware, @epitaque.

Full Changelog: v0.9.0-beta...v0.9.1-beta

Terrain3D v0.9.0-beta

17 Dec 18:58
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v0.9.0 beta release


  • Supports Godot 4.1.3+ and 4.2.0+
  • Includes binaries for Windows, Linux, macOS and experimental Android for cross-platform exports.
  • macOS builds are unsigned universal builds that work on both M1/Arm and Intel x64 if you jump through Apple security hoops. If you have problems, your best bet is to build from source.
  • This is the last release for 0.8 deprecated classes. They'll be removed in 0.9.1. The upgrade path from <0.8.4 is to first load 0.8.4 or 0.9.0, save, then upgrade to 0.9.1+.

Breaking changes

  • The shader has been dramatically refactored. Redo your custom shader changes. Discarding external vertices is now included.

New Features

Notable Fixes

And countless more improvements. Full Changelog: v0.8.4-alpha_gd4.1.3...v0.9.0-beta

Terrain3D v0.8.4-alpha_gd4.1.3

17 Nov 19:02
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v0.8.4 alpha release for Godot 4.1.3


  • For Godot 4.2, use the nightly build from 4d844c4, which fixes some error spam. Must be logged in to github to download.
  • Includes binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS for cross-platform exports.
  • macOS builds are unsigned universal builds that work on both M1/Arm and Intel x64 if you jump through Apple security hoops. If you have problems, your best bet is to build from source.

Breaking changes

  • Major shader changes. If you have a custom shader, reapply your changes to our 0.8.4 shader.
  • Terrain3DStorage.save_16-bit renamed to save_16_bit
  • Probably some other functions and variables not listed here

Major Changes

Other New Contributors

  • @svencan made their first contribution improving installation instructions in #212

Full Changelog: v0.8.3-alpha_gd4.1.1...v0.8.4-alpha_gd4.1.3

Terrain3D v0.8.3-alpha_gd4.1.1

11 Sep 13:11
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v0.8.3 alpha release for Godot 4.1.1


  • The release now includes binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS so cross-platform exports will work.
  • macOS builds are unsigned universal builds and should work on both M1/Arm and Intel x64.

Breaking Changes

  • The terrain is now aligned to the origin. Your objects need to move (512, 0, 512). See #195 for reasoning and easy instructions.

Other Changes

  • Increased speed by 20% by removing derivatives from the shader
  • Surfaces are now called Textures and now stored in a separate, savable TextureList resource for sharing between scenes. v0.8.3 automatically extracts textures from the storage resource to this new resource. It's just text data, so saving as tres is best. See [#188]
  • raw file extension is now accepted as synonymous with r16 for import/export
  • Configured build scripts. Github now builds the releases for all systems
  • Added class name to debug logger
  • Countless other fixes

Full Changelog: v0.8.2-alpha_gd4.1.1...v0.8.3-alpha_gd4.1.1

Terrain3D v0.8.2-alpha_gd4.1.1

06 Aug 11:51
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v0.8.2 alpha release for Godot 4.1.1


Breaking changes

  • Moved plugin.cfg. You may need to reenable the plugin
  • Changed texture uv scale from vec3 to float
  • Renamed collision_layers -> collision_layer to match Godot


  • Surfaces now have names and can be reordered
  • Add false color debug shaders
  • Change importer to allow importing and exporting files from anywhere on the file system
  • Print image size to console when exporting images

Bug fixes

  • Fix #143 Data exporter unable to rewrite existing file
  • Fix #147 Crash importing null textures
  • Fix #111 RID error spam
  • Fix #151 Gaps between collision shapes. Collision edges now read from adjacent maps
  • Fix Connection to camera lost when game changes active camera
  • Fix #169 terrain normals
  • Fix get_region_offset() gdscript API


  • Shaders are now separate glsl files instead of embedded in C++
  • Shaders have an inclusion system to allow snippets to be inserted into the main shader

Full Changelog: v0.8.1-alpha_gd4.1.1...v0.8.2-alpha_gd4.1.1

Terrain3D v0.8.1-alpha_gd4.1.1

20 Jul 15:24
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v0.8.1 Alpha release for Godot 4.1.1
Linux & Windows include both debug & release libraries.


  • Fix smoothing over regions causing an artifact
  • Fix Raycasting returning null. Now returns terrain3d object
  • Expose cast_shadows and render layers
  • Fixes for building OSX & Linux
  • Extras: Fix project_on_terrain3d for HungryProton's newest version of Scatter
  • Demo: Fix F8 not quitting on export
  • Internal: Restructure update code

Edit: I forgot to add the demo to the packages. It has been added.
7/24 Edit: I also forgot to add the project file so the demo will run. Files updated.

Terrain3D v0.8-alpha_gd4.1

16 Jul 19:03
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v0.8 Alpha release for Godot 4.1. Debug builds. OSX is community provided.

Terrain3D v0.8-alpha_gd4.0.3

16 Jul 18:38
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v0.8 Alpha release for Godot 4.0.3. Debug builds.