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License: GPL v3

Jaxer is a server-side Javascript application server that runs as an Apache module, with syntax similar to ASP on Linux.

Build on Linux x86_64

The dependencies are different depending on the platform. Once the dependencies are installed, the build instructions are the same on each platform.

Dependencies On Rocky Linux 8

# yum update
# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
# yum -y install git apr-util-devel gcc pcre-devel make bison flex python2 gtk2-devel libXt-devel java-11-openjdk unixODBC-devel httpd-devel
# alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2
# dnf --enablerepo=powertools install libIDL-devel

Open http port on firewall

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
# firewall-cmd --reload

Rocky needs a core config file for the kernel version

cd /opt/Jaxer/server/src/mozilla/security/coreconf

Dependencies On Debian 10

# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y git vim gcc g++ make zip pkg-config libgtk2.0-dev libidl-dev libxt-dev apache2-dev unixodbc unixodbc-dev openjdk-11-jre bison flex

Ugly patch, Jaxer expects and older version of freetype. I tried a lot of cleaner ways to add freetype to the build path, but it didn't work. This is an ugly work around, but it works.

# ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/ft2build.h /usr/include/
# ln -s /usr/include/freetype2/freetype /usr/include/

Build Instructions

Install the expected version of the pango library.

# git clone
# mv pangox-compat /usr/include/pango

Clone and build the repository

# cd /opt
# git clone
# cd Jaxer/httpd-2.4.46
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/AptanaJaxer/Apache22
# make
# make install
# cd ../server
# python
# cp -fr AptanaJaxer/* /opt/AptanaJaxer

And then we should remove the freetype symbolic links as they are no longer needed. (On Debian)

# rm -f /usr/include/ft2build.h
# rm -f /usr/include/freetype

This will create the Jaxer environment in the /opt/AptanaJaxer/ folder. The defaults aren't correct, so we need to make a few changes. These changes should be fixed in later commits, but that depends on when we track down where these files are. For now, we'll include how to edit them.

# cd /opt/AptanaJaxer
# vim Apache22/conf/httpd.conf
--- Edit the Following Lines ---
- 206     Require all denied
+ 206     #Require all denied

- 221 DocumentRoot "/opt/AptanaJaxer/Apache22/htdocs/"
+ 221 DocumentRoot "/opt/AptanaJaxer/public"

- 222 <Directory "/opt/AptanaJaxer/Apache22/htdocs/">
+ 222 <Directory "/opt/AptanaJaxer/public">

Append to end of File
+ 508 Include conf/extra/jaxer.httpd.conf
--- End Edit ---

# cp jaxer/confs/jaxer.httpd.conf Apache22/conf/extra
# vim /opt/AptanaJaxer/Apache22/conf/extra/jaxer.httpd.conf
--- Edit the Following Lines ---
Remove from end of file
- 133 Include "${ANCHOR}/local_jaxer/conf/*.httpd.conf"
--- End Edit ---

Last we can start the server with the command.

# sh /opt/AptanaJaxer/scripts/

If everything worked, you can navigate to your server's IP address. And you should be greeted with the following screen.

Jaxer Greeter


Jaxer Greeter


The software Jaxer, has not been in active development since 2011, and thus has not been audited for security issues over that time. The current state of the project is to allow for the application environment to be built and tested. This software should not be used in any production or otherwise senstive environment unless at your own risk. The authors of this application make no claim to security, and offer no warranty.




  • C++ 41.1%
  • C 32.2%
  • HTML 10.6%
  • JavaScript 5.5%
  • Makefile 3.2%
  • Java 1.5%
  • Other 5.9%