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Survey Form with CSS Grid, Python's Flask framework and User Interface test using Selenium.


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Simple Survey Form with CSS Grid


This project was created with the following ideas:

  1. Comply with the HTML/CSS requirements set forth by the Build a Survey Form project, which is the second project out of five, from FreeCodeCamp's (FCC) Responsive Web Design Certification, which can be found here. The strict HTML/CSS version of this project can be found in my CodePen here.

  2. Build the Back End to the Survey Form.

  3. Build a User Interface test, which would validate that the main html requirements set forth by FCC are maintained throughout.


The purpose of this project is to experience horizontal development, integrating all layers of the project:

  • The user interface (HTML/CSS),
  • Middleware (Flask), and
  • Database (SQLite).

Getting started

  1. This project was done with Python 3.7.

  2. Clone this repository locally. This is done by typing git clone simple-survey in your terminal.

  3. I'd recommend setting up a virtual environment, which is an isolated python environment in your chosen directory. Do this with python venv myvenv in your terminal. This will create a virtual environment called myvenv. If you have other version of Python installed, you'd need to make sure that you are accessing the desired python when typing that term. You can check this out by typing python --version. If it says 3.7, you're good to go. If not, type py --version, which should display 3.7 if you installed it succesfully. If so, then you'd need to setup your virtual environment with the following comman py venv myvenv.

  4. If you're using a Bash terminal, activate your virtual environment with source venv/myvenv/activate. If it doesn't work for you, please Google it online. There are plenty of resources available.

  5. Install all requirements. In your local directory where you cloned the repo, type pip install -r requirements.txt in your terminal.

Set up the database

  1. From the terminal, run the command flask db init

  2. You should see a migrations folder in your root directory.

  3. Migrate your db by running flask db migrate

  4. You should see some new files in your /migrations folder

  5. Make the db setup permanent by running flask db upgrade

Play with your database to check everything's alright

  1. From your terminal, run flask shell

  2. This will load all configuration values with access to the db model.

  3. Enter and check the following:

>>> Voter.query.all()
>>> v = Voter(name="John Doe", email="")
>>> v
<Voter John Doe>
>>> db.session.add(v)
>>> db.session.commit()
>>> a = Answer(age=31, gender='Male', path='Full Stack', voter=v)
>>> a
<Answer (31, 'Male', 'Full Stack')>
>>> a.voter
<Voter John Doe>
>>> db.session.add(a)
>>> db.session.commit()
>>> l = Language(language='Python', voter=v)
>>> l.language, l.voter
('Python', <Voter John Doe>)
>>> db.session.add(l)
>>> db.session.commit()
>>> c = Comment(comment='I love to code', voter=v)
>>> c.comment, c.voter
('I love to code', <Voter John Doe>)
>>> db.session.add(c)
>>> db.session.commit()

Starting the server locally to interact with the Survey Form

  1. In your terminal, type flask run

  2. Either click on the link provided in your terminal

    or insert it directly on your web browser.

Fill and submit the form

  1. Fill all the values in the form

  2. Name and email are required values

  3. Click on submit, at which point you should receive a "Your form was submitted" message in red.

Check your db again to check that it received the values from the form

  1. flask shell

  2. Run the following and check that the output is the same as the values you entered in the form.


Running the User Interface tests (this hasn't been thoroughly tested with db)

  1. Make sure your local server is running.
  2. In the terminal, type python -m unittest
  3. Alternatively, you can run the file directly, typing: python tests/

How does the User Interface tests work

I've used the page object design pattern, separating the location of the web elements (located either by id, css selector, tag name) on the file, the page method actions using those web elements on, and the tests themselves on Feel free to look at them. The idea behind this separation, is that if something changes to the html or css, the locators would only need to be updated in one place.

Further notes

Development is still in progress:

  • Unittest will be replaced by pytest.
  • More tests will be added.

Here's a snippet of the Survey Form

Snippet of Survey Form