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👨‍✈️ multi-module navigation on Android has never been so easier!


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JitPack Github Actions Android API Kotlin ktlint License MIT


Kaptain is a small, dependencyless and easy to use Android library that helps you to navigate between activities spread over several modules.


Given the following project structure:

  • app module imports all modules below
  • feature-a and feature-b imports only feature-shared
  • feature-shared imports nothing

1. Define destinations

First, you must list all possible destinations (Activities) of your app. Create a sealed class that implements the KaptainDestination interface.

Optionally, you can add arguments to your destination using a data class.

sealed class Destination : KaptainDestination {

    object FeatureA : Destination()
    data class FeatureB(val message: String) : Destination()

2. Create a Kaptain instance

Next, create a new Kaptain instance and associate your destinations with the corresponding Activities.

class MyApplication : Application() {
    val kaptain = Kaptain {
        add<Destination.FeatureA, FeatureAActivity>()
        add<Destination.FeatureB, FeatureBActivity>()

Ideally, you should inject this instance as a singleton using a DI library. Check the sample app for an example using Koin.

3. Navigate between activities

Now you can navigate to any Activity, from any module:

class FeatureAActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    fun goToFeatureB() {
            activity = this,
            destination = Destination.FeatureB(message = "Ahoy!"),
            requestCode = 0x123 // Optional

4. Retrieve a destination content

After arrive at your destination, you can retrieve it's content:

class FeatureBActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val importantMessage = kaptain.fromIntent<Destination.FeatureB>(this)?.message

Dynamic feature modules

Kaptain works great with dynamic features!

1. Add destinations on demand

You can add/remove destinations at any time:

kaptain.add<Destination.DynamicFeatureA, DynamicFeatureAActivity>()

2. Make sure the destination exists before navigating

if (kaptain.has<Destination.DynamicFeatureA>) {
    kaptain.navigate(this, Destination.DynamicFeatureA)

Import to your project

  1. Add the JitPack repository in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Next, add the library to your module:
dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.adrielcafe.kaptain:kaptain:$currentVersion"

Current version: JitPack