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Smash your keyboards with ease

Browser support includes every sane browser and IE7+.


From npm

npm install kanye --save

From bower

bower install kanye --save


Kanye exposes a few methods for interacting with keyboard events.

kanye.on(combo, options?, listener)

Adds an event listener listener to the registry. This event listener will fire only when the user input is combo, and it can be optionally filtered by a filter selector.

The combo is expected to be a human-readable keyboard input string such as cmd+a or cmd+shift+b. If the conditions are satisfied, listener will be invoked passing the event as an argument. Options are outlined below and they can be omitted.

  • filter allows you to filter out the event target based on a selector or a DOM element
  • context allows you to group different shortcuts together, making them easier to remove on the future, options?, listener)

Removes an event listener previously registered by kanye.on. You'll need to specify the options again to make sure that the event listener is correctly removed.


Remove all event listeners previously added with .on to context. If a context is not provided, every single event listener ever registered with Kanye will be removed.
