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Repository contains bradmax player ReactJs application skeleton for a typical ReactJs web app.

It uses webpack to bundle app files, please visit their website for more details.

Example of usage for:

bradmax-com/bradmax-player-rxjs : bradmax player react js library.


We use a number of Node.js tools to initialize and build processes. You must have Node.js and its package manager npm installed. We also recommend to use yarn as replacement for npm.

You can check required node.js, npm and yarn versions in 'engines' section of ./package.json file.

Directory Layout
public/ static app asset files
└�� index.html app main layout file (the main html template file of the app)
src/ all of the source files for the application
└─ App.scss app style sheets
└─ App.tsx app component
└─ index.scss main style sheets
└─ index.tsx main component
tsconfig.json main typescript configuration
tslint.json tslint configuration
webpack.config.json webpack configuration


1. Install removed dependencies


2. Run removed

yarn start

License MIT

More info @