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Ashpool - A Comparison Library

Align and compare data from different sources.


How to install

pip install ashpool

Quick Start

1. Compare

Compare series from "Left Dataframe" and "Right Dataframe" if they each have unique identifiers that match.

ashpool.differ(df_l, df_r, left_on='unique_id_l', right_on='unique_id_r', fields_l=['data_l'], fields_r['data_r'], show_diff=True)



team player_count mascot
Gryffindor 20 Lion
The Shire 12 Smeagol
Enterprise 1014 Tribble
Coruscant 2 Womp Rat
Gridpoint 8 Molly


team player_count mascot
Asgard 3 Hammer
Coruscant 4 Womp Rat
Gridpoint 80 Rose
Gryffindor 20 lion
The Shire 12 smeagol

Results comparing numeric data:

ashpool.differ(df_l, df_r, left_on='team', right_on='team', fields_l=['player_count'], fields_r=['player_count'], show_diff=True)
compid found player_count_l player_count_r player_count_l vs player_count_r player_count_l - player_count_r pct_pairs_matched
CORUSCANT both 2.0000 4.0000 False -2.0000 0.0000
GRIDPOINT both 8.0000 80.0000 False -72.0000 0.0000
GRYFFINDOR both 20.0000 20.0000 True 0.0000 1.0000
THE_SHIRE both 12.0000 12.0000 True 0.0000 1.0000
ASGARD right_only nan 3.0000 False nan 0.0000
ENTERPRISE left_only 1,014.0000 nan False nan 0.0000

Results comparing string data:

ashpool.differ(df_l, df_r, left_on='team', right_on='team', fields_l=['mascot'], fields_r=['mascot'], show_diff=False)
compid found mascot_l mascot_r mascot_l vs mascot_r leven_dist mascot_l vs mascot_r pct_pairs_matched
Coruscant both Womp Rat Womp Rat 0.0000 True 1.0000
Gridpoint both Molly Rose 4.0000 False 0.0000
Gryffindor both Lion lion 1.0000 False 0.0000
The Shire both Smeagol smeagol 1.0000 False 0.0000
Asgard right_only NaN Hammer nan False 0.0000
Enterprise left_only Tribble NaN nan False 0.0000

Results show whether the row identifier ('compid') was found in the left, right, or both dataframes. If found in both, a comparison can be made. In the examples above, the two dataframes ('df_l' and 'df_r') are first aligned on ['team'] and then their ['player_count'] compared. ['player_count_l vs player_cout_r] gives an indication of whether an exact match was found.

For comparisons of numeric series, you have the option of calculating the differences and/or ratios for each comparison pair.

In the second example, the comparison is conducted on ['mascot'], which contains string data. For comparison of strings, the Levenshtein distance is calculated as an indication of the difference.

Learn more about this function here.

2. Create Unique ID for Each Row

Attach unique ID based on data



Start with this, a dataframe where none of the series can be used as unique keys individually.

salutation first_name surname
Mr. Sam Chow
Mr. Drew Chow
Mr. Sam Williams
Mr. Drew Williams
Mrs. Sam Chow
Mrs. Drew Chow
Mrs. Sam Williams
Mrs. Drew Williams

...adds 'u_id' column, which is a unique identifier that is based upon existing data.

u_id salutation first_name surname
MR_SAM_CHOW Mr. Sam Chow
MR_DREW_CHOW Mr. Drew Chow
MR_SAM_WILLIAMS Mr. Sam Williams
MR_DREW_WILLIAMS Mr. Drew Williams
MRS_SAM_CHOW Mrs. Sam Chow
MRS_DREW_CHOW Mrs. Drew Chow
MRS_SAM_WILLIAMS Mrs. Sam Williams
MRS_DREW_WILLIAMS Mrs. Drew Williams

Learn more about this function here.

If you would like the specify the series to use to create an id, use ashpool.attach_temp_id().

3. Automatically Align Data then Compare

Reconcile a series from "Left Dataframe" vs "Right Dataframe"

ashpool.reconcile(df_l, df_r, 'series_in_df_l', 'series_in_df_r')


It will take the following datasets which do not have unique keys...


salutation first_name surname age_reported
Mr. Sam Chow 41
Mr. Drew Chow 23
Mr. Sam Williams 24
Mr. Drew Williams 53
Mrs. Sam Chow 25
Mrs. Drew Chow 32
Mrs. Sam Williams 39
Mrs. Drew Williams 32


salutation first_name surname age_real
Mr. Sam Chow 40
Mr. Drew Chow 30
Mrs. Sam Chow 35
Mrs. Drew Chow 30
Mr. Sam Williams 24
Mr. Drew Williams 43
Mrs. Sam Williams 32
Mrs. Drew Williams 32

...and align and rows and compare the specified series.

ashpool.reconcile(df_l, df_r, 'age_reported', 'age_real')


index compid found age_reported age_real age_reported vs age_real age_reported - age_real pct_pairs_matched
0 DREW_MRS_CHOW both 32 30 False 2 0.0000
1 DREW_MRS_WILLIAMS both 32 32 True 0 1.0000
2 DREW_MR_CHOW both 23 30 False -7 0.0000
3 DREW_MR_WILLIAMS both 53 43 False 10 0.0000
4 SAM_MRS_CHOW both 25 35 False -10 0.0000
5 SAM_MRS_WILLIAMS both 39 32 False 7 0.0000
6 SAM_MR_CHOW both 41 40 False 1 0.0000
7 SAM_MR_WILLIAMS both 24 24 True 0 1.0000

Learn more about this function here.


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