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Create Debian packages of non-free, closed-source and other software.


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This repository is intended to be some sort *BSD ports or Arch pkgbuild system for Debian and Ubuntu. It's very simple and intended to be used to package closed source and non-free software, but also for some new projects and to package some multimedia programs with embedded libav libraries.


Move to a directory and run make: cd devel/yasm && make

If you want to build the package in a pbuilder chroot environment run make with PBUILDER=1: cd devel/yasm && make PBUILDER=1 This will work only on Ubuntu.

To skip dependency checking run make with DEPS=0: cd devel/yasm && make DEPS=0

To disable the summary after a build run make with SUMMARY=0: cd devel/yasm && make SUMMARY=0

The final packages are saved in $HOME/buildresult

You can run make clean or make distclean to clean up a build directory.

To build packages of Unity engine games use the scripts provided here:

Or you can use this repository with a small collection of Unity engine games:


I recommend using gdebi for manual installations: sudo apt-get install gdebi-core

Usage from command line is sudo gdebi package.deb. Dependencies will be resolved automatically. For a graphical front-end install the package gdebi or gdebi-kde.


I always test the packages here before I push a new commit (I'm currently using Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit). But some of the Makefiles here will build packages from the latest release branch snapshots, so in some cases a package might not build because of recent changes. You should also keep in mind that closed-source software, especially if it hasn't been updated for ages, and/or programs that use certain embedded libraries as well as static binaries are considered a potential security risk in Debian-based distributions. Usually software is also split into several packages but to make the installation of these home-brew packages easier, most of the stuff in here will be stored in single packages.

This build system was only designed and tested for amd64 and i386. However, I don't check if it works on i386 anymore.


You can open an issue if you have a question or problem. But you can also write an e-mail: djcj <at> gmx <dot> de