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C-Kermit for Windows Beta 5

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@davidrg davidrg released this 04 Jul 20:28
· 112 commits to master since this release

This is the fifth beta of C-Kermit for Windows, based on C-Kermit 10.0 beta.10. There are nine(!) download options to support different versions of Windows on different CPU Architectures.

Download the appropriate zip file for your computer, extract it somewhere convenient and run k95g.exe. If you get an error about some DLL missing when you run it, download and install the matching Visual C++ Redistributable for the version of CKW you downloaded and the version of Windows you're running.

For 32bit or 64bit PCs running Windows XP SP3 or newer we have:

Download CPU Description x86-64 For 64bit PCs. This is most likely the version you want. Visual C++ Redistributable : for Windows 7 and newer, or Windows XP SP3 and Vista x86 For 32bit PCs. If you have MIT Kerberos for Windows installed, see the list of Known Issues. Visual C++ Redistributable : for Windows 7 and newer, or Windows XP SP3 and Vista ARM64 For 64bit ARM devices running Windows 10 or 11. No Kerberos/GSSAPI support. Visual C++ Redistributable ARM32 For 32bit ARM devices running Windows RT, 10 or 11. No Kerberos/GSSAPI or SSH support. Untested on Windows RT but likely to work.

The x86 and x86-64 versions are compatible with MIT Kerberos for Windows v4.1.

If you're running something older or something that isn't a PC (doesn't have an x86 or ARM processor), one of these might work for you:

Download CPU Minimum Windows Version Description x86 Windows NT 3.51, Windows 95 Feature (and security) reduced for compatibility with vintage PCs. If required: Visual C++ Redistributable x86 Windows NT 3.50 Even more feature reduced to run on Windows NT 3.50. Additionally removes NTLM, TAPI, GUI Toolbar support or dialer. May work for serial connections only on Windows NT 3.10 - networking support is known to be broken on NT 3.10. DEC Alpha Windows NT 3.50 For Workstations and Servers with a DEC Alpha AXP CPU (eg, AlphaStation, AlphaServer, DECpc AXP 150, Multia, etc) running Windows NT 3.50. Due to some of the tools used it building it the actual minimum version of windows may be higher - its not actually been tested on NT 3.50 due to the difficult of obtaining compatible hardware IA64 (Itanium) Windows Server 2008 R2 For Workstations and Servers with an Intel Itanium CPU. Has been tested on Server 2008 R2, may work on older versions. Includes SSL/TLS support but no SSH. DEC Alpha n/a 64bit build for Microsoft-internal 64bit versions of Windows 2000/XP for the Alpha

Things to be aware of when upgrading

This release corrects some issues with the DEFAULT template which the Dialer
creates automatically on first run. The auto-created template has bad colour
values for colours 1 through 9 resulting in blue appearing green, etc (terminal
sessions that should have a blue background will have a green one). The correct
values are in the table below - these should be applied to the DEFAULT template
as well as any other connections or templates you've created via the
GUI Settings page:

Colour RedGreenBlue
1 - blue 0 0 127
2 - green 0 127 0
3 - cyan 0 127 127
4 - red 1270 0
5 - magenta 1270 127
6 - brown 127127 0
7 - lightgray192192 192
8 - darkgray 127127 127
9 - lightblue0 0 255

The default logfile names in the Log File Settings page should also start with
the \ character - by default in prior versions they started with an invalid
non-printable character. In Kermit 95 the defaults did not start with
\v(appdata) so you may wish to just remove this prefix entirely instead of
correcting the first character.

If you have Kermit 95 installed these bugs likely doesn't affect you - while the
Kermit 95 dialer has them too, Kermit 95 shipped with
C:\ProgramData\Kermit 95\dialinf.dat which contains a DEFAULT template
containing the correct values.

New Features

  • Builds for 64bit Windows
    • x86-64
    • ARM64
    • Itanium
  • Build for ARM32
  • Added TLS SNI support for the http and telnet clients
  • The old hostmode and other scripts are now included in the distribution with
    no substantial changes since Kermit 95.
  • Kerberos V support has returned (Kerberos IV support can be built from source)
  • GSSAPI authentication in the SSH client (requires MIT Kerberos for Windows,
    see ssh-readme for more information)
  • Updated to C-Kermit 10 Beta.10
  • Updated to libssh 0.10.5
  • Updated to OpenSSL 1.1.1u

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed crash on startup under Crossover on MacOS and Wine on Linux
  • Fixed show terminal command showing autodownload as being "on" when it was
    actually set to "ask"
  • Fixed receiving files with an as-name that includes a path using UNIX
    separators failing when autodownload is set to "ask" in the GUI version of CKW
    (receiving a file sent as send foo.txt C:/temp/foo.txt now works)
  • Fixed CKW for modern Windows (XP SP3+) not setting modified time on received
  • Fixed entering plane-1 unicode values via Alt+n crashing the application (this
    bug was inherited from Kermit 95)
  • Fixed SSH bugs:
    • anonymous SSH (userauth none) doesn't work
    • buffer not flushed on logout
    • fixed some (but not all) occurrences of a server disconnect not being
  • set syslog works again - this was accidentally removed in beta 4.
  • The colours in the dialer GUI Settings for the DEFAULT template
    automatically created when first run were completely wrong. This bug affected
    Kermit 95 as well but most users wouldn't have seen it as the shipped
    dialinf.dat included a DEFAULT with the correct settings (along with a
    selection of other templates).
  • The default log file names in the Log File Settings page for the DEFAULT
    template automatically created when first run begin with an invalid
    non-printable chracter instad of ''. This bug affected Kermit 95 as well.

Minor Enhancements and other changes

  • The sample k95custom.ini file now sets:
    • autodownload to "on" rather than "ask"
    • resize mode to change terminal dimensions
    • SSH heartbeat on
  • New escape sequences in the terminal emulator
    • CSI 1 8 ; Ps ; Ps t - get text area size in characters (xterm)
    • CSI > Pm t - this is now parsed and ignored, previously this xterm-specific
      escape sequence would incorrectly minimise the window
  • A sample IKSD initialisation script is now included in the distribution
    Setup instructions are here:
  • The "show features" command now includes the availability (or lack of) DECnet,
    SuperLAT and PTY support. Some of these are optional features for custom
    builds only and others may or may not be present depending on the compiler
  • "show versions" now shows OS version more correctly
  • Updated the dates and version numbers for windows-specific entries in the
    "show versions" command
  • k95custom.ini is now distributed as k95custom.sample to prevent customised
    user files from being accidentally overwritten when upgrading. The default
    k95.ini will now rename k95custom.sample to k95custom.ini if it can't find
    an existing k95custom.ini in any of the usual locations.
  • Updated the About dialog: xyzmodem and pathworks support are no longer guaranteed
    to be missing.
  • Improvements to the terminal status line:
    • Increasing the window width now gives more space to the hostname and protocol
    • If the hostname and protocol text are too long to fit, the exit text
      ("Command: Alt-X" by default) is hidden to make room
    • Maximum length for exit text increased from 20 to 30 characters (where there
      is room to display it)
    • When there is sufficient room available an extra two columns of padding is
      inserted between the exit text and the hostname to match the other fields

Source Changes

  • Fixed build failure with Visual C++ 2017
  • Fixed build failure with Visual C++ 4.1 and 4.2
  • Fixed some reported build errors with Visual C++ 4.0 RISC Edition. MIPS should
    now build fine with TAPI disabled, PowerPC may also need debug logging turned
    off (set CKF_DEBUG=no). No one has tried building the dialer yet.
  • Fixed build issues with the DEC Alpha compiler in the NT 3.50 SDK. The linker
    supplied in the SDK is not compatible, however.
  • Ported to 64bit Windows
  • Added support for building for 64bit Windows on the DEC Alpha (AXP64 target)
  • Ported the core of the application to MinGW (GCC)
  • Added support for Visual C++ 1.0/1.1 32-bit edition
  • Ported to Windows NT 3.10 but there are currently unresolved bugs (networking
    is broken for one)
  • SRP support is now available as a custom build option. You'll need quite an
    old and insecure version of OpenSSL (1.0.1u works) and an old compiler too
    (Visual C++ 2003 works)
  • DES/CAST crypto can now be statically linked into k95.exe/k95g.exe/iksdnt.exe
    instead of being delivered as a shared dll (k95crypto.dll)
  • Building with jom (or any other sufficiently compatible nmake clone) instead
    of nmake is now supported for Visual C++ builds. Just set make=jom.exe to
    make better use of multicore systems.