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Tock React Kit

Create web UIs for Tock chatbots


Quick Start

Include react, react-dom and tock-react-kit in an HTML page. React must be at least version 16.8 (must have hooks)

<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>

Render your app in an element:

  <div id="chat"></div>
    TockReact.renderChat(document.getElementById('chat'), '<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>');

Use as a module

You can also use it as a module (i.e Create React App) and bundle it:

npm i tock-react-kit
import { renderChat } from 'tock-react-kit';

renderChat(document.getElementById('chat'), '<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>');

Styling your chat

Use the third argument of renderChat to style your app:

renderChat(document.getElementById('chat'), '<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>', 'referralParameter', {
  fontFamily: 'monospace',
  fontSize: '24px',
  botColor: 'rebeccapurple',
  userColor: 'limegreen',
  borderRadius: '0px',
  styles: {
    chat: `background: #fff;`,

Customize interface

If the chat does not suit your needs you can also use the components separately.

API Reference

renderChat(element, tockBotApiUrl, themeOptions)

Renders an entire chat in a target element.

Argument name Type Description
element Element Target element where the chat will be rendered
tockBotApiUrl string URL to the Tock Bot REST API
referralParameter string Optional referal parameter
theme TockTheme Optional theme object
options TockOptions Optional options object


Hook that provides chat history and methods to communicate with the Tock Bot. It must be used alongside with TockContext. Returns a useTock interface.

Argument name Type Description
tockBotApiUrl string URL to the Tock Bot REST API


A TockTheme can be used as a value of a ThemeProvider of emotion-theming (bundled with the library) or as a third argument of renderChat.

Property name Type Description
fontFamily string? CSS font-family used in the chat
fontSize string? CSS base font-size used in the chat
userColor string? CSS color used mainly for the user's chat speech balloons
botColor string? CSS color used mainly for the bot's chat speech balloons
cardColor string? CSS background color for cards
inputColor string? CSS background color for the main user text input
borderRadius string? Border radius used in various chat components
conversationWidth string? CSS max-width of the chat interface
styles TockThemeStyles? Object allowing further styling (see below)


Property name Type Description
card string? Additional CSS styles for cards (overrides base styles)
carouselItem string? Additional CSS styles for carousel cards container (overrides base styles)
carouselArrow string? Additional CSS styles for carousel scrolling arrows (overrides base styles)
messageBot string? Additional CSS styles for the bot's speech balloons (overrides base styles)
messageUser string? Additional CSS styles for the user's speech balloons (overrides base styles)
quickReply string? Additional CSS styles for the quick reply buttons (overrides base styles)
chat string? Additional CSS styles for the chat container (overrides base styles)


A TockTheme can be used as a value of a ThemeProvider of emotion-theming (bundled with the library) or as a third argument of renderChat.

Property name Type Description
timeoutBetweenMessage number? Timeout between message
widgets any? Custom display component

Create custom widget

Tock web connector can send custom messages :

  data: {
    departure: 'Paris',
    arrival: 'Nice'
  type: 'TrainCardWidget',

You can define your own display components for this custom message :

import React from 'react';
import { renderChat } from 'tock-react-kit';

const TrainCardWidget = ({departure, arrival}) => {
    return (
            <p>Departure: {departure}</p>
            <p>Arrival: {arrival}</p>

        widgets: {


Create web UIs for Tock chatbots









  • TypeScript 97.3%
  • JavaScript 2.7%