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This is an application for real life locations (with coordinates) management. Visualisation is provided through interactive map. Whether searching for a specific location or locations within given radius, do it with ease.


  • Angular, version 8
  • NGXS, for state management
  • OpenLayers, for map displaying
  • TSlint (plus codelyzer), for static code analysis
  • Material design icons
  • GitHub, for review


This is an application with a single page, but multiple panels: Table, Search, and Map.

  • Table panel
    • Lists locations displaying their id, name, and coordinate
    • Each location can be edited and deleted
    • There is an option to animate the map to focus on (go to) specific location
    • Hovering over the row in the table highlights the location on the map
    • Double clicking the id, will automatically copy and paste it into the search
  • Search panel
    • To search, a radius has to be provided and a referent point
    • There are two ways of searching
      • From a specific, previously entered, location, setting reference with an ID
      • From a manually typed coordinate
    • There is a button to clear the search panel
    • After successful search, table and map data are updated, having map animating the focus on the result set
    • There is also a button to create a new location by manually typing all the information (through popup)
  • Map panel
    • Map is interactive, can be panned, zoomed in/out, with buttons and mouse scroll
    • Clicking on the map, allows two things
      • To create a new location from that point, adding in just the name, by typing it
      • To set that point as a reference in the search panel

Meta info

Application showcases knowledge of:

  • Angular
    • Component communication
    • Lifecycle hooks utilization
    • Forcing OnPush change detection strategy
    • Using pipes (async, number)
    • Handling material components (Table, Dialog...)
    • Using material design icons
    • Using flex layout
  • State management with NGXS
    • Actions - with and without payload
    • States - specific for a feature or certain set of features
    • Selectors - plain and calculated ones
    • Chaining actions
    • Joining selectors
    • Sharing state
    • Softening the impact of NGXS 4 by defaulting injectContainerState to false
  • Reactive programming with RxJS library
    • Passing Observable as a parameter, variable, object
    • Immediately subscribing to Observables
    • Pipe usage for multiple async calls
  • Map (with OpenLayers)
    • Projections handling
    • Base tile layer configuring
    • Data displaying / Drawing on the map
    • Interacting with the map / Layers and overlay manipulation
    • Animating the map
  • Typescript
    • Object spread (mostly used to update state - NGXS)
    • Fat-arrow functions (preserving "this" context and making code more readable with meaningful names)
    • Partial (mostly used as payload for the action - NGXS)
  • General
    • REST calls
      • GET with parameters
      • POST and PUT with body
      • DELETE with path variable
    • Data structures
      • Array for locations management, upon which JS array methods were used (map())
    • Helpers and utility classes with mostly static content
    • Fine CSS styling
    • Having git commit messages readable
  • Concepts
    • Separation of concerns
    • "N-tier architecture"
      • Display and styling only, without any logic (HTML template and CSS) - only communicates with Controllers
      • Logic
        • Small and component specific (Controllers) - only communicates with States and Logic Services
        • Otherwise in State (Logic Service)
      • Invoking outside of the application (Fetch Services) - only communicated by States and Logic Services
    • Linting (with TSlint - strict but not AirBnB rules)
    • Refactoring (Introducing NGXS, updating all components to OnPush change detection strategy...)
    • Prototyping (Fast completion without full functionality displaying test concept, process or design)
  • Operations
    • Setting different environments (development and production)
    • Deploying application

Development server

  1. Have server api (found here) running.
  2. Run ng serve or npm start
  3. In your browser navigate to http://localhost:4200/.