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Can't login to GitHub #949

HisRoyalRedness opened this issue Apr 4, 2017 · 154 comments

Can't login to GitHub #949

HisRoyalRedness opened this issue Apr 4, 2017 · 154 comments


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HisRoyalRedness commented Apr 4, 2017

NOTE: Updating to Visual Studio 2017 15.5.7 or later should fix this. See #949 (comment)

I'm having some trouble logging on to GutHib to push new changes to my repository. I've just recently upgraded to Visual Studio 17. Everything used to work on VS 2015, but doesn't any longer.

  • GitHub Extension for Visual Studio version:
  • Visual Studio 2017 Professional: Ver 15.0.0+26228.9
  • Windows 7 Pro SP1

Detailed steps:

  • I have a local clone of a public (personal) repository. I've made changes to the local files
  • Staged the changes.
  • Attempted to push the changes.
  • The GitHub login dialog appears. I've entered my username and password. I've confirmed that these are correct by logging in to the website.
  • I get the following in my ouput pane on Visual Studio
Opening repositories:
### Local path, removed the actual path to anonymise ###
Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git failed with a fatal error.
fatal: AggregateException encountered.
   One or more errors occurred.
error: cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Pushing to repo path ###.git

I have 2 factor enabled on my account.

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I have a similar problem, but the login fails verifying the 2FA code and never completes the login.

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shana commented Apr 24, 2017

@HisRoyalRedness is this still happening to you? If it is - the credentials are stored in the Windows Credential Manager, so perhaps something happened that cleared them. Could you open Credential Manager, go to Windows Credentials, and check the Generic Credentials list to see if you have two entries that look like the following:


Apologies also for the delay in replying, this got missed somehow 😕

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shana commented Apr 24, 2017

@richardmatsu Could you check the log in %localappdata%\GitHubVisualStudio\extension.log and see if you have messages in it that are similar to issue #958?

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Nope, nothing like that. For kicks, I deleted my saved credentials in Credential Manager but no difference.

2017-04-24 15:09:36.1679|INFO|thread: 1|RepositoryHost|Log in from cache for login '(null)' to host '' FAILED
2017-04-24 15:09:36.1679|INFO|thread: 1|RepositoryHosts|Log in to host '' with username '****' FAILED

@shana shana added the bug label Apr 24, 2017
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I've got nothing stored in my Credential Manager. Nothing in the log looks similar to #958

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grokys commented Apr 26, 2017

@HisRoyalRedness we're a bit stumped here to be honest. Would it be possible to run Fiddler and take a look at the requests that are being sent?

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grokys commented Apr 26, 2017

Also, are you still getting these errors?

error: cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

These look like low-level errors unrelated to GHfVS. Does your git commandline work?

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HisRoyalRedness commented Apr 26, 2017 via email

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OK, perhaps I should have checked this in the first instance ... :-)

It seems that the extension is having some trouble getting through our corporate proxy. I've got the requisite global git entries.

git config --global --list

I have CNTLM installed locally to do the NTLM auth through the corporate proxy. Complicated, I know...

git & other apps --> CNTLM Proxy ( --> corporate proxy --> web

I can operate through the command line, so the config must be OK. These same settings appear in the VS git extension (under Repository Settings), and are shown as global settings.

When I attempt to sync my repository through the VS extension, I get the 'cannot spawn askpass' errors, and Fiddler shows auth errors from the corporate proxy. Could it be possible that the extension is ignoring the git proxy settings and picking up the proxy from Internet Options (which would be the corporate proxy)?

@meaghanlewis meaghanlewis added this to High Priority in BUGS Dec 2, 2017
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grokys commented Dec 11, 2017

@HisRoyalRedness did you get any further with this issue? Apologies for not replying earlier, but we were unable to repro here.

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Yup, still the same behaviour. Generally I stage and commit from Visual Studio, and push and pull to/from remotes from the command line using the standard Git tools. Yes, it's a pain, but I manage to get by with this workflow.

I've since upgraded to a new PC, running Windows 10 (old one was Windows 7), upgraded to Visual Studio 2017, and I still get the exact same error from Git (i.e. error: cannot spawn askpass).

Git command line works fine.

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Hey guys - just landed on this page trying to search for this same issue (VS2017, behind corp firewall but with correct HTTP and HTTPS proxies set in my environment variables). I am able to use Git add-in for VS2017 to connect to my GitHub account and clone my repositories but when I try to push a change via VS Git add-in, I get the same error as HisRoyalRedness (cool username btw ;)).
Any luck establishing a root cause and/or a fix/workaround?

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grokys commented Dec 12, 2017

@HisRoyalRedness @MuqadderIqbal so the problem occurs when pushing/pulling from team explorer? Are you able to log into GitHub using the Team Explorer "Connect" section, as described here?

When you've logged in there, a dialog shouldn't appear when pushing and pulling.

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@grokys I am able to successfully connect to my GitHub repo and authenticate. I am also able to successfully clone my library. However, after committing a change, an attempt to push it to GitHub repo results in an error. Here is the error stack trace:-

Opening repositories:
Commit dea72b81 created locally in repository C:\MyGithub\Learn-Pandas
Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git failed with a fatal error.
HttpRequestException encountered.
An error occurred while sending the request.
cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Pushing to

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@grokys Ditto for me. I can connect and authenticate to GitHub. I can see the list of my repositories from within Visual Studio. Just can't push or pull. My error message is a little different. This was after attempting a pull

Git failed with a fatal error.
fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.
   A task was canceled.
error: cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

And this after a push:

Opening repositories:
Commit b85c226f created locally in repository C:\Users\KeithF\Source\Repos\HBusLogger
Error encountered while pushing to the remote repository: Git failed with a fatal error.
fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.
   A task was canceled.
error: cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Pushing to

If I push from a command prompt (just the standard Windows cmd, not git bash), I'm asked to enter my user name and password, and the push succeeds

C:\Users\KeithF\Source\Repos\HBusLogger>git push
fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.
   A task was canceled.
Username for '': HisRoyalRedness
Password for '':
Counting objects: 22, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
Writing objects: 100% (22/22), 2.93 KiB | 1.46 MiB/s, done.
Total 22 (delta 18), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (18/18), completed with 6 local objects.
   92d8346..b85c226  master -> master
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OK, I've got it working now. I thought I'd try get some Fiddler traces for you, couldn't get it to work through Fiddler (with the complex arrrangement of corporate proxies and my local CNTLM proxy, its no wonder), and then put it all back together again. Then hey presto, it all just worked!

So, I'm guessing that I got one of these steps wrong at some point. Anyway, this is what I did

  • Verified that CNTLM was configured correctly. Other apps use this, so I was certain it was set up correctly. I've got CNTLM accepting connections at, and passing them on to the corporate proxy with the appropriate Window logon details.
  • Set global proxy settings. I had repository and global settings applied. I've removed the repository settings and it seems to work with just the global ones (as it should)
  • Confirmed that the config file at %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig had the correct settings. I can't remember if it did or not. I did edit the file while trying to get Fiddler working
  • Created the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. Something required them. Not sure if it was the Visual Studio Github extension or something else

I can now push and pull from my repository

I've got a sneaky suspicion that I configured my https proxy setting with an http url. I did notice this when messing with the settings and corrected it. I've since set it back to http to see if I could get it to fail again, but was unsuccessful. Something to check anyway if you still have problems

Hopefully it all continues to work. I'll post an update in a day or two.

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grokys commented Dec 13, 2017

Glad you got it working @HisRoyalRedness. As I suspected, it was a proxy issue. Does the information above help you @MuqadderIqbal?

One thing to note is that GitHub for Visual Studio doesn't actually supply the git push and pull functionality - this is part of Team Explorer, so if the login works then the problem was actually on Microsoft's side.

I'm going to close this issue now as it looks like there's a fix and it's also not actually our functionality that's exhibiting the problem.

@grokys grokys closed this as completed Dec 13, 2017
BUGS automation moved this from High Priority to Done Dec 13, 2017
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I faced the same issue guys, it appears when I have only TLS1.2 enabled on my PC. After enabling TLS 1.1, SSL.x the issue was resolved. For enabling and disabling I used IISCrypto software. Hope that helps the team and other users.

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grokys commented Jan 30, 2018

Thanks for letting us know @vCillusion - that will be helpful information for anyone experiencing this problem in future. Looks like we might need to look into why this is the case, maybe we can fix it on our end. I've opened an issue to track this over in #1443.

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pbenitez commented Feb 7, 2018

Thanks @HisRoyalRedness
My email was wrong in here %USERPROFILE%.gitconfig
Corrected and now is working like a charm.

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I've tried most of the suggestion list above. I am still not able to Push. Here is the output from the extension.log:

2016-09-28 19:38:48.3619|INFO|thread: 1|RepositoryHost|Log in from cache for login 'davidehnis' to host '' SUCCEEDED
2016-09-28 19:38:48.3799|INFO|thread: 1|RepositoryHosts|Log in to host '' with username 'davidehnis' SUCCEEDED
2016-09-28 19:39:39.7486|ERROR|thread:75|PullRequestCreationViewModel|Octokit.ApiValidationException: Validation Failed
at Octokit.Connection.HandleErrors(IResponse response) in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 562
at Octokit.Connection.d__52.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 543
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Octokit.Connection.d__511.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 528 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Octokit.ApiConnection.<Post>d__211.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\ApiConnection.cs:line 0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl.Rethrow(Exception exception)
at System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers.ThrowIfNotNull(Exception exception)
at System.Reactive.Subjects.AsyncSubject1.GetResult() at GitHub.Services.PullRequestService.<PushAndCreatePR>d__8.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\src\GitHub.App\Services\PullRequestService.cs:line 93 {"message":"Validation Failed","errors":[{"resource":"PullRequest","code":"custom","message":"A pull request already exists for davidehnis:Create-initial-constructs."}],"documentation_url":""} 2016-09-28 19:42:47.6679|ERROR|thread:53|PullRequestCreationViewModel|Octokit.ApiValidationException: Validation Failed at Octokit.Connection.HandleErrors(IResponse response) in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 562 at Octokit.Connection.<RunRequest>d__52.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 543 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Octokit.Connection.<Run>d__511.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\Connection.cs:line 528
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Octokit.ApiConnection.d__211.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\submodules\\Octokit\Http\ApiConnection.cs:line 0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Reactive.PlatformServices.ExceptionServicesImpl.Rethrow(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.ExceptionHelpers.ThrowIfNotNull(Exception exception) at System.Reactive.Subjects.AsyncSubject1.GetResult()
at GitHub.Services.PullRequestService.d__8.MoveNext() in Y:\jenkins\workspace\GitHub for Visual Studio speakeasy jenkinskeep\src\GitHub.App\Services\PullRequestService.cs:line 93
{"message":"Validation Failed","errors":[{"resource":"PullRequest","code":"custom","message":"No commits between master and Create-initial-constructs"}],"documentation_url":""}

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edgmark commented Feb 8, 2018

Hi, I was getting the same error as the original poster (when fetching)

error: cannot spawn askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

I just reverted my GitHub extension (from to and I am no longer getting those errors.

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rafaelsc commented Feb 8, 2018

I Just start getting this erros too. Only resolve to after force a logoff/login in GitHub Desktop.

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qicaro commented Aug 10, 2018

@willandus My problem was in win10 and Kevin solution works fine for me.

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ststeiger commented Aug 11, 2018






#WhyDoesInstallingTheDotNetSdkAndRuntimeRequireAdminPrivileges ?




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JoeHz commented Aug 12, 2018

This sure taught me not to get the latest updates for Viz-Studio...

I'd be using Rider (I have the JetBrains AllProductsPack) if it wasn't lacking some crucial features

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ststeiger commented Aug 12, 2018

The 2018-EAP comes with publishing feature & experimental Blazor support.
I use Rider EAPs since I'm on Linux.
At work however, I'm forced to use Visual-Studio 2017 (and can't update because I don't have admin rights, and the admin [just tell me if you need something] just doesn't do it no matter how many times you tell him)...

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@kevinramharak it's working, thanks!

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plcnut commented Aug 13, 2018

@kevinramharak Thank you! This got me back up and running.

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Just wanted to mention that what KevinRamharak said worked for me as well!

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Latest update 15.8 broke it again

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JoeHz commented Aug 15, 2018

@mpalladinru It was the one before 15.8 that first broke it for me. I'm assuming that meant you had it fixed manually somehow and it overwrote it?

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rollsch commented Aug 16, 2018

Make sure to use this path if you are using the preview of VS. Latest 15.8 update also breaks it for me, I have to do this each time.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Preview\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git\mingw32\libexec\git-core

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The latest VS update (15.8) broke it again.
I'm just copy the content of to c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git\mingw32\libexec\git-core\ but it was not enough. Then overwrite the content of the directory above with @kevinramharak 's suggestion. The content of was solved the atuh problem for me.

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@JoeHz yes, I unpacked archive contents and it was working until yesterday, when update arrived. So I unpacked archive contents again and it working again now

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Still broken in 15.8.1

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grokys commented Aug 21, 2018

@whoisj just wanted to say that this problem seems to be escalating, we've had more reports of the same problem over at #1531.

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whoisj commented Aug 22, 2018

@grokys and everyone else, we (Microsoft) have worked closely with Atlassian to resolve the Bitbucket authentication issue. I'd like to take a moment and thank the developers of Atlassian for the scramble they did to resolve the issue. They could have left everything broken longer, but instead took the high road, did the right thing, and fixed a bug that was negatively impacting people. I think that deserves a smile 😁.

I personally (with the blessing of our gate keepers) have pushed the fix into Visual Studio, and an update will arriving as soon as the release gears can complete their turning. I, personally, do not have much insight into the timing of VS update releases, but I know we're targeting 15.8 and 15.9 (still in preview) with the fix. I do not know the exact timing but I do not think it'll be very long.

I do apologize for missing the 15.8.1 release train. The fix just wasn't ready by the time the train had "left the station" and I still had to complete the steps of pulling the fixes into VS, and validating them (not just to fix Bitbucket, but also to ensure they did not break anything else 😲 - they don't 🙂).

So the best I can do right now is say "hold tight" the fix is incoming - promise!

Oh, and I am very sorry that we let this issue slip past. We did not have robust validation around Bitbucket authentication previously. We now have better validation, and will continue to improve all of our testing over time. Again, very sorry and the fix exists, it is on its way, and should be available soon (for some definition of soon).

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whoisj commented Aug 22, 2018

The latest VS update (15.8) broke it again.
Still broken in 15.8.1

Yup, I knew that was going to happen - sorry. When VS updates itself it also fixes itself. Which means if you've replaced a file in the Visual Studio installation folder and then run update or repair, your replaced file will be replaced with the version the IDE is expecting to be there. 99.99% of the time you really want this feature and it has saved you from heartache over and over, without you even realizing it. In this one, very particular case, it undid the homebrew fix.

The good news is, a soon update to VS should include the official fix.

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koenj commented Aug 23, 2018

disclaimer: slightly off topic.

Since last night, we start seeing the same issue on VSTS:
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

This started after the fix for the Hosted Agent Issues in West Europe (not sure if this is related).

Could you provide some insight on what we can do in VSTS to work around this issue,?


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whoisj commented Aug 23, 2018

Until VS is patched, this suggestion is the only one I know for sure that will help. This is because we increased the HTTP_TIMEOUT significantly as part of the work-around for Bitbucket before we understood the root cause. The time change stuck because it would help in other areas.

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ghost commented Aug 23, 2018

Thanks for the input;

I opened a support request with Microsoft for the VSTS bug;
they have released a patch to VSTS in the meantime, fixing my issue.
So on VSTS, everything is working fine again.

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Updated to version VS 15.8.2, still facing the same issue.
Error encountered while fetching: Git failed with a fatal error.
HttpRequestException encountered.
An error occurred while sending the request.
cannot spawn /c/program files (x86)/microsoft visual studio/2017/professional/common7/ide/commonextensions/microsoft/teamfoundation/team explorer/Git/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-askpass.exe: No such file or directory
could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

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JoeHz commented Aug 29, 2018

I'm now able to push to bitbucket with 15.8.2

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15.8.2 fixed it for me. Thanks!

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wiswis15 commented Nov 3, 2018

i was also struggeling with it . Updated VS to 15.8.9 and he issue was fixed .

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samconn commented Dec 3, 2018

I updated to VS 15.9.3 and the problem returned!!!

I discovered that simply grabbing the AzureDevOps.Authentication.dll assembly from the Git Credential Manager for Windows v1.18.2 zip file and dropping it into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\<<<VSEdition>>>\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git\mingw32\libexec\git-core folder allowed me to clone a repo.



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Grauenwolf commented Dec 10, 2018

Same for me. I'm not sure if 15.9.3 broke it, but it was working for me in earlier versions of VS.

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So i ran into this error and it seems that the bundled Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows/ in VIsual Studio 2017 is not of the latest release yet. Downloading the latest release and putting it on top of the files in VIsual Studio 2017 worked for me.

1. download the zip file from
2. navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\Git\mingw32\libexec\ (or wherever your 'missing' git-askpass.exe resides).
3. make a copy of the git-core folder and rename it backup or something like that
4. put the files from the zip file on top of the contents of your new git-core folder and overwrite where prompted

Let me know if this works for you


might wanna use if the 1.17.0 did not work

Didn't work for me. Can you help m in this?

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sgf commented Oct 9, 2020

Git failed with a fatal error.
HttpRequestException encountered.
HttpRequestException encountered.
cannot spawn /c/app/visual studio 2019/common7/ide/commonextensions/microsoft/teamfoundation/team explorer/Git/mingw32/libexec/git-core/git-askpass.exe: No such file or directory
could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

again and again

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mxfatih commented Nov 9, 2020

I had the same issue with similar symptoms.
My solution was 2 steps

  • Cleaning Github Credentials in Windows Credential Manager
  • SignOut and Remove all accounts in Visual Studio and Re-Sign In with github account
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