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🚀Livewire Starter Kit🔥

This Project has been created to make it easy for you to start any project

  • ✅ Livewire Installed.
  • ✅ Custom Dialogs.
  • ✅ Livewire Data tables.
  • ✅ SweetAlert2 Installed.
  • ✅ Livewire Modal Created.
  • ✅ Roles And Permissions Included.
  • ✅ Dark Mode Supported.
  • ✅ Tailwind Included.
  • ✅ Jetstream Used
  • ✅ RTL Supported
  • ✅ Multi Language (Arabic And English) Supported


First Clone The Project

git clone

Then go inside the folder

cd larawire

Then Copy .env File

cp .env.example .env

After That install composer libraries

composer update

Install node modules for that you need nodejs

npm install && npm run build

Do not forget to configure your database in .env file

Now you generate artisan key

php artisan key:generate

After that generate JWT key For Apis

php artisan jwt:secret

Now Start migration with seeding roles and permissions with users

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Start Your Server

php artisan serve

Now Login Using

Username :

Password : password

For Realtime server in vite to detect tailwind and file changes without running npm run build over and over, you can just run development server

npm run dev

Enjoy your self 😁