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A Symfony 4 bundle to access Dutch postcode API at Postcode API ( Creates a PostcodeModel object based on postcode, house number & number extra combination.


Search based on postcode, house number AND house number extra. Note that some combinations of postcode and house number require a house number extra and without this extra value the address does NOT EXIST:

  • ('2011XA', 20, '') is not a valid combination. For this combination of postcode and house number, extra must be 'A', 'RD' or 'ZW'.
  • For the values ('2011XA', 20, '') the bundle will return an InvalidNumberExtraException with the following message: "House number extra must be (A, RD, ZW) for this combination of postcode and house number."


  1. Download via composer.
  2. Enable bundle by adding class reference to config/bundles.php (if composer did not do that for you).
  3. Create yaml configuration config/packages/hurnell_postcode_api.yaml with reference to your api_key.

1 - Download via composer

composer require hurnell/postcode-api-bundle:*

2 - Enable bundle

# config/bundles.php

Hurnell\PostcodeApiBundle\HurnellPostcodeApiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

3 - Configure with API key

# config/packages/hurnell_postcode_api.yaml

    api_key: 'your_api_key'


Autowiring is enabled by default so in a controller action (or constructor of other classes)


use Hurnell\PostcodeApiBundle\Service\PostcodeApiClient;
// use Exception classes

class MyController extends AbstractController {
    public function getPostcodeAction(PostcodeApiClient $client){
        $form = $this->createForm(PostcodeFormType::class);
        try {
            $postcodeModel = $client
            $postcodeModel->getStreet();       // Doelstraat
            $postcodeModel->getCity();         // Haarlem
            // $postcodeModel-> get etc etc
            // json response
            return $this->json($postcodeModel->toArray());
        } catch (InvalidApiResponseException|InvalidPostcodeException $e) {
            // handle exception
        } catch (InvalidHouseNumberException $e) {
            // handle exception
            $form->get('number')->addError(new FormError($e->getMessage()));
        } catch (InvalidNumberExtraException $e) {
            // handle exception
            $postcodeModel = $client->populatePostcodeModelWithoutExtra();
            return $this->json(

Handling InvalidNumberExtraException

Note that an invalid number extra value is not critical. Furthermore the api is not flawless; there are omissions for house number extra.

The method populatePostcodeModelWithoutExtra exists for these situations:

try {
    $postcodeModel = $client
         // ...
 } catch (InvalidNumberExtraException $e) {
    $postcodeModel = $client->populatePostcodeModelWithoutExtra();
    return $this->json(