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Visualisation library for Robot3 (robot) finite state machines.


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  • 🎨 Visualise Robot3 finite state machines as SVGs
  • ⚛ React component included
  • ✅ Supports custom styling and renderer
  • 💡 Uses Dagre and D3 under the hood

You can use this library to create in-browser visualisations of the state machines that power your JavaScript apps.

If you need to generate static SVGs as part of a CI process, you'll want to automate a browser running on a server with XVFB, and make it visit a page using this library.



npm install robot3-viz
yarn add robot3-viz



import { Robot3Viz } from 'robot3-viz';

const machine = createMachine({
  inactive: state(
    transition('toggle', 'active')
  active: state(
    transition('toggle', 'inactive')

function Component() {
  // Return the SVG as part of a React DOM
  return (
    <Robot3Viz fsm={machine} />

Vanilla JS / SVG

import { robot3viz } from 'robot3-viz';

const machine = createMachine({
  inactive: state(
    transition('toggle', 'active')
  active: state(
    transition('toggle', 'inactive')

// Render the FSM in an existing SVG element
const svg = document.getElementById('mySVG');
robot3viz(machine, svg);

Custom renderer

You don't have to use the inbuilt D3 renderer - you can use the library API to construct either the DAGre graph yourself, or the raw DAG for use in a another framework.

Consult the TypeScript .d.ts files for type information

import { getDAG, getDagre } from 'robot3-viz';

// Construct the raw DAG
// This will be a struct containing a list of nodes and edges
const dag = getDAG(machine)

// Convert to DAGre format
// This can be passed to a DAGre renderer like Cytoscape
const dagre = getDagre(dag)


The SVGs come with a set of default styling attributes, but these can be overriden using CSS. There are several classes:

Class Description
robot3-viz Root class of SVG
node Graph node
node--state State
node--guard Guard function
node--reduce Reducer function
edgePath Edge
edge--event Transition caused by event
edge--immediate Transition executed immediately
edge--labelBkg Background of edge label

You can also customise the DAGre render:

// Possible values listed here:
const options: dagre.GraphLabel = {
  nodesep: 40,
  edgesep: 40,
  ranksep: 40

// Using vanilla JS
robot3viz(machine, svg, options)

// Using JSX
function Component() {
  return <Robot3Viz machine={machine} options={options} style={svgStyles} />


Simple states

A light switch:

Viz output

export const transitions = createMachine({
  inactive: state(
    transition('toggle', 'active')
  active: state(
    transition('toggle', 'inactive')

Guard functions

An RPG monster. It changes state conditionally, using guard functions:

Viz output

export const guards = createMachine({
  chooseMove: state(
    transition('next', 'healing', guard(function amHurt(ctx) { return true })),
    transition('next', 'attacking')
  attacking: state(
    transition('next', 'enemyTurn')
  healing: state(
    transition('next', 'enemyTurn')
  enemyTurn: state(
    transition('takeAttack', 'defeated', guard(function strongEnough (ctx) { return true })),
    transition('next', 'chooseMove')
  defeated: state()

Immediate transitions

A web form - every submission validates, but only conditionally goes to submission

Viz output

export const immediates = createMachine({
  idle: state(
    transition('submit', 'validate')
  validate: state(
    immediate('submission', guard(function canSubmit() {} as any)),
  submission: state()

Reducer functions

A login screen - login and password events write to state with reducers.

Viz output

export const reducers = createMachine({
  idle: state(
    transition('login', 'idle',
      reduce((ctx: any, ev: any) => ({ ...ctx, login: }))
    transition('password', 'idle',
      reduce((ctx: any, ev: any) => ({ ...ctx, password: }))
    transition('submit', 'complete')
  complete: state()

Machines invoking promises

A loading screen, invoking a promise:

Viz output

export const invokePromises = createMachine({
  idle: state(
    transition('load', 'loading')
  loading: invoke(async () => Promise.resolve(true),
    transition('done', 'idle',
      reduce((ctx: any, ev: any) => ({ ...ctx, user: }))
    transition('error', 'error',
      reduce((ctx: any, ev: any) => ({ ...ctx, error: ev.error }))
    transition('abort', 'idle')
  error: state()

Licenses etc.

Provided with a BSD license, see LICENSE file.

Copyright (C) 2021 Jimmy Breck-McKye