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Denis edited this page Feb 12, 2023 · 24 revisions

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Plugin for SA:MP 0.3.7 server that allows you to capture and analyze RakNet traffic

Main features

  • Capture, modify, filter incoming/outgoing packets and RPCs
  • Send your own packets and RPCs to a player
  • Emulate incoming packets and RPCs from a player



  • Place pawnraknet.dll/ and pawnraknet.cfg inside plugins folder
  • Place inside pawno/include folder (Windows)
  • Append to server.cfg
    • plugins pawnraknet.dll (Windows)
    • plugins (Linux)
  • Include header to your script
    #include <Pawn.RakNet>
  • If you want to use Pawn.RakNet in a filterscript, put this define before including
    #define FILTERSCRIPT

Configuration (pawnraknet.cfg)

The values in parentheses are default values

  • InterceptIncomingPacket (true)
  • InterceptIncomingRPC (true)
  • InterceptOutgoingPacket (true)
  • InterceptOutgoingRPC (true)
  • InterceptIncomingRawPacket (true)
  • InterceptIncomingInternalPacket (false)
  • InterceptOutgoingInternalPacket (false)
  • WhiteListInternalPackets ([]) - you can enumerate specific packet ids in that array to intercept only them in OnIncomingInternalPacket/OnOutgoingInternalPacket
  • UseCaching (false) [enabled caching is incompatible with YSI includes]
  • LogAmxErrors (true)


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