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Refactor: data extraction and filtration scripts
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kcwongaz committed Aug 28, 2022
1 parent 4219962 commit 8b98113
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Showing 4 changed files with 615 additions and 0 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/
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import os
import json
import pickle
import shutil
import zipfile

from FR24Writer import FR24Writer

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# User inputs

# Locations to read data from
# All the .bz2 files and top level .zip files are expected to be decompressed.
# (e.g. 01.tar.bz2,, etc.)
# So that the directories have all the files.
# Make sure all are there, or you will miss some time points.
dataroot = "/mnt/Passport/Lishuai_data/USA"

# Locations to store data to
saveroot = "/home/kc/Research/air_traffic/data/fr24_usa"

# Location for a pickled FR24Writer object to be restored.
# This is for continuing a partial flight extraction.
# Set this to an empty string if there are nothing to be restored.
# Each sucessful run will generate a FR24Writer.pickle for use
restore_loc = ""

# (!!!) Some suggestions
# Do the extraction for one geographic area per run.
# i.e. set dataroot ".../Lishuai_data/china/" instead of ".../Lishuai_data/"
# When start for a new area, always set restore_loc = ""
# These should prevent some potential problems that I haven't fully tested.
# You can also do it year-by-year or month-by-month like
# dataroot = "/mnt/Passport/Lishuai_data/china/2017/"
# But when you continue to the next year, remember to set restore_loc
# so that you pick up the flights that have not landed in the previous year.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# *** Main program starts here

# Initialize flight writer
if restore_loc == "":
flights = FR24Writer(saveroot)
with open(restore_loc, "rb") as f:
flights = pickle.load(f)
cutoff_time = 0

# Create the working directories if not already there
if not os.path.exists(saveroot):
os.makedirs(saveroot, exist_ok=True)

tempdir = f"{saveroot}/temp"
if not os.path.exists(tempdir):
os.makedirs(tempdir, exist_ok=True)

# Start the log
log_writer = open(f"{saveroot}/fr24_extract.log", "a")
log_writer.write("# --------------------------------------------------- #\r\n")
log_writer.write(f"Extract from: {dataroot} \r\n \r\n")

# *** Main loop
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dataroot):
# os.walk() returns a generator that compute the next element in place.
# This next element is read off from the returned dirs object.
# So sorting dirs in place make os.walk() traverse in sorted order

# 1. Copy the files to local working directory
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".zip") and len(file) >= 12:
fname = os.path.join(root, file)
shutil.copy(fname, tempdir)

log_writer.write(f"Found: {fname} \r\n")
print(f"Found: {fname}")

# 2. Unzip all the copied .zip files
for file in os.listdir(tempdir):
if not file.endswith(".zip"):

# Have to unzip file one-by-one, because some files may contain error
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(tempdir, file), "r")
for zf_child in zf.namelist():
zf.extract(zf_child, tempdir)
except zipfile.BadZipFile:
log_writer.write(f"Error unzipping {zf}/{zf_child} \r\n")

# 3. Now loop through the unzipped .json file to extract flights
for troot, tdirs, tfiles in os.walk(tempdir):

for tfile in tfiles:
if not tfile.endswith(".json") and not tfile.endswith(".txt"):
fname = os.path.join(troot, tfile)

if os.stat(fname).st_size == 0:
log_writer.write(f"Empty JSON file: {fname} \r\n")

with open(fname, "r") as f:
json_data = json.load(f)
timestamp_fetched = False
except json.JSONDecodeError:
log_writer.write(f"Error encountered on: {fname} \r\n")

for key, item in json_data.items():
# Each json file contains some useless meta-data,
# actual flight data take shape of a list
if not isinstance(item, list):

# The data row also need to have the correct length
# Expecting length 18, but some can have 19 for some reason
if len(item) < 18:
log_writer.write(f"Error encountered on: {fname} \r\n")

# Pick only flights that are coming to HK
if item[12] != "HKG":

# Read the timestamp for the current file only once
# Do one push every 24 hours = 86400 seconds
if not timestamp_fetched and (item[10] - cutoff_time >= 86400):
cutoff_time = item[10]

flights.write(key, item)

# Done with this round, empty the temp directory
os.makedirs(tempdir, exist_ok=True)

# One last push before finishing.
# This is to store all the data we got regardless of the push criteria.
# But this time we push without cleaning them in FR24Writer.
# So in case there are more data points in the next run,
# we can still add them in the restored FR24Writer, and we will overwrite
# the .csv file with the complete data from both this run and the next run.
# This ensure we don't throw away any flights at the time window boundary.

# Store the FR24Writer object with whatever leftover flights,
# so that we can continue with them later.
with open(f"{saveroot}/FR24Writer.pickle", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(flights, f)

log_writer.write("\r\n Successfully finished. \r\n")
log_writer.write("# --------------------------------------------------- #\r\n")

print("Finished !!")
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

from checkers import *

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Will apply filter to all trajectories within this date range
start_date = "2016-12-31"
end_date = "2021-04-28"

# (!) Change the following to appropriate directory names
# Location of raw data
dataroot = "/home/kc/Research/air_traffic/data/fr24_china/"

# Location for output
copyroot = "/home/kc/Research/air_traffic/data/fr24_clean/"

# mode should be in of ["copy", "list", ""]
# "copy" will create a filtered copy of the data in copyroot
# "list" will just write a list listing the good trajectories without making copies
# "" will only write down the filter summary without copying or listing the good trajectories
# Choose one that best fit how you want to use the data
# Also, not copying the trajectories will obviously make thing much faster
mode = "copy"

# Filter criteria to be used
# checker_fun takes a list of checker function from opensky_checkers
# checker_str is just a list of string labeling the checker functions
checker_fun = [check_nondeparture, check_stayhk,
check_uniquetime, check_landed, check_landedhk]

checker_str = ["Departures", "Not stayed HKTMA",
"Duplicated time points", "Not landed", "Not landed at HK"]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# *** Actual computation starts here

date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"

date = pd.to_datetime(start_date, format=date_fmt)
end = pd.to_datetime(end_date, format=date_fmt)
dt = pd.Timedelta(1, "D")

checker_n = len(checker_fun)

# Overall filter statistics
total_all, good_all = 0, 0
bad_all = {s: 0 for s in checker_str}

summary_writer = open(f"{copyroot}/filter_summary.txt", "w")
if mode == "list":
list_writer = open(f"{copyroot}/list_{start_date}_{end_date}.txt", "w")

while date <= end:
dstr = date.strftime(date_fmt)
mstr = date.strftime("%Y-%m")
datadir = dataroot + mstr + "/" + dstr
copydir = copyroot + mstr + "/" + dstr

# Create destination directory if not exist
if not os.path.exists(copydir) and mode == "copy":

# Filter statistics for this day
total, good = 0, 0
badfiles = {s: [] for s in checker_str}

print(f"Now working on {dstr} ...")

# Loop through all trajectories in this day
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(datadir):
for file in files:
fname = os.path.join(subdir, file)
df = pd.read_csv(fname, header=0)

# FR24 sometime has duplicated rows
# I would forgive them if they have identical space-time coordinate
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=["time", "latitude", "longitude"])

total += 1
total_all += 1
keep = True

# Pass the trajectory to the checker functions
for i in range(checker_n):
if not checker_fun[i](df):
bad_all[checker_str[i]] += 1

keep = False

# All passed: keep the trajectory
if keep:
good += 1
good_all += 1

if mode == "copy":
df.to_csv(f"{copydir}/{file}", index=False)
elif mode == "list":

# Filter summary for this date
summary_writer.write(f"*** {dstr} --- {good}/{total} passed\n")
for item in badfiles:
for file in badfiles[item]:
summary_writer.write(f"\t {item}: {file}\n")
summary_writer.write("# ----------------------------------------- #\n")

# Forward to the next day
date += dt

# Finish writing the filer list
if mode == "list":

# Now write the overall summary
summary_writer = open(f"{copyroot}/filter_statistics.txt", "w")

summary_writer.write("*** Overall Summary ***\n")
summary_writer.write(f"Passed: {good_all}/{total_all} ({round(good_all / total_all * 100, 2)}%)\n")

for item in bad_all:
b = bad_all[item]
summary_writer.write(f"{item}: {b}/{total_all} ({round(b/total_all * 100, 2)}%) \n")


print("Done !!")

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