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Examples deploying Python applications using serverless framework.

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Examples deploying Python applications using serverless framework.

👟 Quick Start

Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Install the project deps (npm) for serverless CLI and plugins:

$ npm install
$ alias sls="npx serverless" # For convenience

Create an access key for your IAM. I recommend creating an IAM and giving appropriate permissions. I gave following (just for convenience, not recommended for production) permissions to new IAM account:

  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
  • AWSLambda_FullAccess
  • CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
  • IAMFullAccess

Then configure the profile serverless-python-examples. Region is not necessarily to be us-east-1, choose what you want.

$ aws configure --profile serverless-python-examples
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:

List of examples currently available:

  • fastapi-playwright

    Example app with FastAPI and Playwright installed.

  • fastapi-selenium

    Example app with FastAPI and Selenium, with Google Chrome and ChromeDriver installed (via Chrome for Testing).

Run following to deploy:

$ cd fastapi-playwright
$ sls deploy
(node:400182) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)

Deploying serverless-python-examples to stage dev (us-east-1)
Updated AWS resource tags..
Updated AWS resource tags..
Updated APIGateway resource tags..

✔ Service deployed to stack serverless-python-examples-dev (289s)

  app: serverless-python-examples-dev-app

Need a faster logging experience than CloudWatch? Try our Dev Mode in Console: run "serverless dev"

serverless will take care of creating all necessary resources: S3 bucket, ECR repository and Lambda functions, CloudWatch log groups.

Copy the endpoint URL ( above) for later testing.

🧪 Testing

Once deployed, CLI will show the URL of Lambda endpoint. Access the root URL with query parameter url, for example:

$ curl
"Example Domain"

Function will respond with given URL's page title.

To see logs, run:

$ sls logs --function app --tail

🧹 Cleanup Resources

Remove resources created by serverless:

$ sls remove

It will remove all the resources created by CLI.

As AWS CLI does not provide removing profile you should edit ~/.aws/credentials file and remove the serverless-python-examples profile manually.

Delete the IAM if you created one, and no need anymore.

🖇️ References