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GitHub Action

Upload WebDAV

v0.0.6 Latest version

Upload WebDAV

Upload WebDAV

Github Action for uploading files to a webdav server


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Upload WebDAV

uses: bxb100/action-upload-webdav@v0.0.6

Learn more about this action in bxb100/action-upload-webdav

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📤 :octocat:

action upload-webdav

A Github Action for uploading files to a WebDAV server

🤸 Usage

  uses: bxb100/action-upload-webdav@v1
    webdav_address: ${{secrets.address}}
    webdav_username: ${{secrets.username}}
    webdav_password: ${{secrets.password}}
    webdav_upload_path: "/data"
    files: "./test/**"

⚠️ for security purpose, please use Actions Secrets. See for more information.

��️ All Parameters

Input Description Default
webdav_address WebDAV address -
webdav_username WebDAV username -
webdav_password WebDAV password -
webdav_upload_path The WebDAV path where you want to upload. Some servers may not support the root path -
files Newline-delimited list of path globs for asset files to upload
🐾 You can learn more about multi-line YAML syntax here
fail_on_unmatched_files Fail the action if there exists an unmatched file pattern false
keep_structure Keep the directory structure of the files
Only supports a single search path, rule

🚳 This project only supports basic authentication

⚠️ If the upload path contains an existing filename, the file will be overwritten

🪴 Details


Use the @action/glob to search for files matching glob patterns. You can set multiple patterns.

Pattern Details


Glob behavior

Patterns *, ?, [...], ** (globstar) are supported.

With the following behaviors:

  • File names that begin with . will be included in the results
  • Case-insensitive on Windows
  • Directory separators / and \ are both supported on Windows

Tilde expansion

Supports basic tilde expansion, for current-user HOME replacement only.


  • ~ may expand to /Users/johndoe
  • ~/foo may expand to /Users/johndoe/foo


Patterns that begin with # are treated as comments.

Exclude patterns

Leading ! changes the meaning of an include pattern to exclude.

Multiple leading ! flips the meaning.


Escape special glob characters by wrapping in []. For example the literal file name hello[a-z] can be escaped as hello[[]a-z].

On Linux/macOS \ is also treated as an escape character.

📖 Thanks