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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Confirmed bugs in the repository (i.e. linter bugs), NOT browser implementation bugs.
bulk_update 📦
bulk_update :package:
An update to a mass amount of data, or scripts/linters related to such changes
data:api 🐇
data:api :rabbit2:
Compat data for Web APIs.
data:browsers 🌍
data:browsers :earth_africa:
Data about browsers (versions, release dates, etc). This data is used for validation.
data:css 🎨
data:css :art:
Compat data for CSS features.
data:html 📄
data:html :page_facing_up:
Compat data for HTML elements.
data:http 🚠
data:http :mountain_cableway:
Compat data for HTTP features.
data:js 📟
data:js :pager:
Compat data for JS/ECMAScript features.
data:mathml ➗
data:mathml :heavy_division_sign:
Compat data for MathML features.
data:svg 🖌️
data:svg :paintbrush:
Compat data for SVG features.
data:wasm 🦾
data:wasm :mechanical_arm:
Compat data for Web Assembly features.
data:webdriver 🏎️
data:webdriver :racing_car:
Compat data for WebDriver features.
data:webext 🎲
data:webext :game_die:
Compat data for Browser Extensions.
dependencies ⛓️
dependencies :chains:
Pull requests that update a dependency package or file.
docs ✍️
docs :writing_hand:
Issues or pull requests regarding the documentation of this project.
duplicate 👯‍♀️
duplicate :dancing_women:
Duplicate issues or pull requests. This one is closed in favor of the other issue or pull request.
enhancement 🥇
enhancement :1st_place_medal:
Nice to have features.
good first issue 💯
good first issue :100:
Good issues for getting started with this project.
HackOnMDNParis2018 🇫🇷
HackOnMDNParis2018 :fr:
Issues or pull requests at the Hack on MDN event in Paris in March 2018
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
You're encouraged to pick up this issue, a maintainer will come back to you and review your work.
idle 🐌
idle 🐌
Issues and pull requests with no recent activity
info needed 🔍
info needed :mag:
This needs more information to review or act on.
infra 🏗️
infra :building_construction:
Infrastructure issues (npm, GitHub Actions, releases) of this project
invalid 🚫
invalid :no_entry_sign:
Invalid issues or pull requests (wrong repo, spam, duplicates, etc.). This won't get merged. Sorry!
KR: Real BCD 🔑
KR: Real BCD :key:
Key Result: Eliminate true/null values and replace them with "real" values.
linter 🏡
linter :house_with_garden:
Issues or pull requests regarding the tests / linter of the JSON files.
meeting agenda 🏢
meeting agenda :office:
Issues or pull requests in need of discussion in a project meeting.
merge conflicts 🚧
merge conflicts :construction:
This PR needs to merge latest "main" branch to resolve a merge conflict or other issue.
needs collector update ↺
needs collector update ↺
This PR needs a corresponding update to openwebdocs/mdn-bcd-collector.
needs content update 📝
needs content update 📝
This PR needs a corresponding update to mdn/content to update the documentation