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Display live informations and events via web pages for Media ex Machina's live streams


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WebLiveGraphics for Media Ex Machina's live streams

Display live informations and events (from external sites, like YouTube or Twitch) on Media ex Machina's live streams via some special web page. This web page be will be able to be put as "Web source" on OBS Studio.

Live streams can be see (in french) on YouTube and Twitch.

It's still in alpha.

Quality Gate Status Vulnerabilities CodeQL Java/javascript CI

Technical stack

Front is on Node 17+ JS/NPM/Webpack/React (in admin pages).

Back is on Java 11/Spring Boot/Maven.


You need to setup some configuration files.

  • application.yml for main configuration. You'll found an example on config-dev directory. See below for more details.
  • log4j2.xml for log configurations. You'll found an example on config-dev directory. Setup as you want, nothing special here.
  • will contain secrets and special file references for setup the application, across updates. It will be created if not found. This file path will be setup in application.yml.


Configuration keys and usage for application.yml, in addition to standard Spring Boot options.

    port: 8080

You should setup address and port to listen connections from web server.

    vendorProps: /path/to/
    baseBackgroundFile: /path/to/background.png
    liveDynSummaryChaptersBoxFile: /path/to/liveDynSummaryChaptersBox.png

Specific weblivegraphics configuration keys, mandatory.

weblivegraphics.vendorProps for the file to point and create if needed.

weblivegraphics.baseBackgroundFile for put default background file (png, transparent, 16/9 file).

weblivegraphics.liveDynSummaryChaptersBoxFile for put Dynamic Live Summary / chapter card background file (png, transparent, 1/1 file).

    devmode: true | false

Active dev mode for backend web server, optional, false by default.

See below for usage; basically for start web app with dev JS files or prod files)


Actual roadmap can be found on GitHub Projects tab.

Work in progress can be tracked on enhancement opened Issues

This project is targeted, for the moment, to animate specifically the Media ex Machina video lives. Maybe on day it will be transformed to a polyvalent tool, maybe a framework, but this not the current target.

Free feel to fork it, and maybe to upstream contributions on this way.

Development Documentation

Show information

Setup Java

  • JDK/JRE 11
  • Maven

For build a self-run jar file :

mvn package

The file will be builded on target/weblivegraphics-X.Y.Z.jar.

You should build before the production-compatible front with npm install. It will be added on the jar. See below.

Test Java

Just run:

mvn test

Setup JS

Install Node 17+ from Nodesource:

Example for Debian likes distributions:

curl -fsSL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

And compile:

npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli
npm install compression-webpack-plugin --save-dev
npm install # Prepare production script
npm run watch # Prepare dev script

Spring Boot configuration (application.yml file) can choose between prod JS bundle or dev mode.

Switch with:

    devmode: true | false

js.devmode is not mandatory.

Test JavaScript

Just run:

npm run test

You don't need a valid/running/configured Java application to run JS tests.

You'll found JS test files in src/test/js.

Run Java application from JS environment

Just run:

npm run back

For start Spring Boot app via maven in "js dev mod". Configuration files will be founded on src/test/js/back-config.

Automatic code formatting

Via Prettier (in Node/NPM world).

Just run:

npm run format

And just for check w/o modify files:

node_modules/.bin/prettier --check .

Technical "under the hood"


Layers (OutputLayersDto class), are the base logic for display blocks. The full object is sended to clients pages via Server Sent Event (SSE), on each edits. It doesn't contain data informations, only declarations for the front. It doesn't contain template or style either. Data informations can be sended by SSE, but via another/separate topic, and it's not cover by Layer logic.

The layers can contain one or many layers (GraphicKeyerDto classes), and a layer contain some items (GraphicItemDto classes).

Only items are displayable/visible, but must be organized on layers.

Front role updates its internal React states on each SSE messages with a new Layers definition.

A "special" layer, is called "DSK", for "Down Stream Keyer", a broadcast television term. It's the last Keyer to be put on the image before output. DSK is always on the top of the image and can't never be displayed on clean channel. Use it for display texts or information should not be recorded, like a clock.

3 channels can be made:

Program channel (PGM) Preview channel (PVW) Clean channel (CLN)
Can display DSK ? Yes, only if activated Yes, only if activated Never display
Can display keyers ? Yes, only if activated Yes, only if activated Yes, follow PGM
Can display background ? Always Always Always

Each layer can be visible independently on Program and/or Preview channel.

A RESTfull API can operate on layers (see

Dynamical Summaries

Display, on a keyer, a Live Summaries. It's drive by REST interface.

See config-dev/demo.bash for REST example.

We can have multiple Summaries loaded, but only one can be marked "active". A Summary contain chapters (a simple String list), only one Chapter can be marked "active".

Two REST commands sent to client the order of show/hide current active Summary, and two others to display/hide current active Chapter. Only show/hide commands can have a real outcome in PGM/CLN/PVW screens, event if active Chapter/Summary is edited or deleted.


Pull requests are welcome.

Some rules must to be followed:

  • PR must pass all internal test
  • Code should be tested at it's best
  • Please use a code linter for Java and JavaScript. I can provide Eclipse linter configuration. Free feel to propose one for JS.
  • Security and stability is most important than new functionalities, and always must be prioritized.
  • Code quality is the third priority before new functionalities, in particular for the production of a visible, broadcasted, video live stream.


Display live informations and events via web pages for Media ex Machina's live streams








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