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Signaling server over EMQX for WebRTC. It uses MongoDB to manage rooms and EMQX for sending(receiving) events to(from) clients.


WebRTC is direct peer-to-peer connection which is done using WebRTC API in browsers and mobile applications. But for starting a group call, it requires a mechnaism to share peers address and connectivity information with each other. This mechanism is called Signaling. It keeps an open connection with each peer to exchange peers' address, connectivity info, and room events.

Run Locally

Run command make up to run Hermes and dependencies locally. to kill the services run make down.


Deploy EMQX and MongoDB services and pass their configurations to hermes values.yaml. Use Helm to deploy Hermes's Chart. corresponding command is make deploy. and to bring down the Hermes run make deployd.

Other Useful Commands

  • make croom: create a test room
  • make jroom: join a user to a room. (pass room_id parameter)
  • make image: build image and push to registry


Please update parameters in Makefile and configuration in deployment/hermes/values.yaml and internal/config/default.go for the project to run properly. If necessary, you can create a config.yaml file in root directory to pass configuration.