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Super Simple Architecture


Super Simple

Application Architecture you can learn in minutes.


Nobody is really smart enough to program computers.

Steve McConnell (Code Complete 2.0)

We believe we should compose software from components that are:

  • accurately named,
  • simple,
  • small,
  • responsible for one thing,
  • reusable.



  • Active Components (ex. Interaction, Navigation, Mediator etc.)
  • Passive Components (ex. Renderable)
  • Views (ex. UILabel)

πŸ–Ό Renderable

Renderable (noun)

Something (information) that view is able to show.



Renderable is a struct that you pass to a View which should show its contents.

Renderable is:

  • Passive,
  • immutable struct,
  • often converted from model or models,
struct BannerRenderable {
    let message: String

View should:

  • always look the same if ordered to render the same renderable,
  • have code answering to one question: "how should I look?",
  • have no state,
  • accept infinite number of renderables in random order.


Step 1 - Create Renderable:

struct BannerRenderable {
    let message: String
    init(message: String) {
        self.message = message

Step 2 - Expose View ability in Protocol:

protocol BannerRendering: AnyObject {
    func render(_ renderable: BannerRenderable)

Step 2 - Implement View:

final class BannerView: UIView {
    @IBOutlet fileprivate var bannerLabel: UILabel!

extension BannerView: BannerRendering {
    func render(_ renderable: BannerRenderable) {
        bannerLabel.text = renderable.message

πŸ›° Interaction

Interaction (noun)

Component answering the question: What should I do in reaction to user's action.



Interaction is a final class that ViewController or View owns, which performs actions in reaction to user input - gestures, text input, device movement, geographical location change etc.


  • Active component (has a lifecycle),
  • final class,
  • can use other components for data retrieval,
  • should be literally between two actions, the one causing and the one caused,
  • can call navigation methods when other ViewController should be presented,
  • can call render methods on weakly held views (seen via protocol).

πŸ“Œ RULE: There is no good reason for inheritance of custom classes, ever.

ViewControllers and Views:

  • Can have many Interactions for separate functions,
  • should OWN Interaction and see it via protocol,
  • subviews of VC could own separate Interaction but it’s not mandatory for simple VC.


Step 1 - Create Interaction protocols:

protocol PodBayDoorsInteracting: AnyObject {
    func use(_ banner: BannerRendering)
    func didTapMainButton()

Step 2 - Add Interaction implementation:

πŸ“Œ RULE: Do not tell Interaction what to do, tell what happened, it should decide what should happen next.

final class PodBayDoorsInteraction {
    fileprivate let killDave = true
    fileprivate weak var banner: BannerRendering?

extension PodBayDoorsInteraction: PodBayDoorsInteracting {
    private enum Strings {
        static let halsAnswer = "I know you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and that is something I cannot allow to happen."

    func didTapMainButton() {
        guard let banner = banner else { fatalError() }

        if killDave { // Just to show the business logic is resolved here.
            banner.render(BannerRenderable(message: Strings.halsAnswer))
        } else {
            // Open doors. Not implemented :P 

    func use(_ banner: BannerRendering) {
        self.banner = banner

Step 3 - Use it in ViewController (via nib):

final class DiscoveryOneViewController: UIViewController {
    fileprivate let podBayInteraction: PodBayDoorsInteracting
    @IBOutlet private var bannerView: BannerRendering!
    init(podBayInteraction: PodBayDoorsInteracting) {
        self.podBayInteraction = podBayInteraction
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    override func awakeFromNib() {
    @IBAction private func didTapMainButton() {

πŸ›  Assembler

Assembler (noun)

Assembler is gathering dependencies and injecting them into a single instantiated component.



Its purpose is to assemble dependencies for one class or struct.


  • an enum,
  • has only one method called assemble().
  • can call ONLY ONE initializer directly,
  • will call other Assemblers to instantiate dependencies.


Step 1 - Create Interaction protocols:

πŸ“Œ RULE: When assembled component is dependent on other instances, you should use it's Assemblers, do not initialize more than one class directly.

protocol PodBayDoorsInteractionAssembling {
	func assemble() -> PodBayDoorsInteracting

struct PodBayDoorsInteractionAssembler {
    func assemble() -> PodBayDoorsInteracting {
        return PodBayDoorsInteraction()

protocol DiscoveryOneAssembling {
    func assemble() -> UIViewController

struct DiscoveryOneAssembler: DiscoveryOneAssembling {

    let interactionAssembler: PodBayDoorsInteractionAssembling

    func assemble() -> UIViewController {
        return DiscoveryOneViewController(interaction: interactionAssembler.assemble())

let interactionAssembler = PodBayDoorsInteractionAssembler()
let viewControllerAssembler = DiscoveryOneAssembler(interactionAssembler: interactionAssembler)
let viewController = viewControllerAssembler.assemble()

🧭 Navigation

Navigation (noun)

Component responsible for presenting views (here: View Controllers).



Interaction may need to open another View Controller in response to user's action, it has to use Navigation component to do that.

Navigation is:

  • A class,
  • owned by Interaction,
  • can push or open views modally,
  • will use Assemblers to create ViewControllers to show.


πŸ“Œ RULE: We should never pass classes directly, always via protocol or Adapter.


protocol NavigationControlling: AnyObject {
    func pushViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool)

// `NavigationControlling` is a protocol convering (some) methods of `UINavigationController`
extension UINavigationController: NavigationControlling { }

Step 1 - Create Navigating protocol:

πŸ“Œ RULE: When A uses B but A is not an owner of B, pass B via use(_) method, not in init.


protocol DiscoveryOneNavigating: AnyObject {
    func use(_ navigationController: NavigationControlling)
    func presentDiscoveryOneInterface()

Step 2 - Implement Navigation:


final class DiscoveryOneNavigation: DiscoveryOneNavigating {

    private let discoveryAssembler: DiscoveryOneAssembling
    private weak var navigationController: NavigationControlling?

    init(navigationController: NavigationControlling, discoveryAssembler: DiscoveryOneAssembling) {
        self.navigationController = navigationController
        self.discoveryAssembler = discoveryAssembler

    func use(_ navigationController: NavigationControlling) {
        self.navigationController = navigationController

    func presentDiscoveryOneInterface() {
        let discovery = discoveryAssembler.assemble()
        navigationController.pushViewController(discovery, animated: true)


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