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Propose a change to a draft of a specification document

Clemens Portele edited this page May 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Propose a change to a draft of a specification document

GitHub is used to develop the specification(s) using the following process:

  • The "master" branch is the editors' draft.
  • To propose a change, edit the AsciiDoc files for the draft document in a branch of the master branch.
  • Commit the changes to a branch on GitHub.
  • Create a pull request for the branch and submit it.
  • The working group will discuss pull requests and approved pull requests will be merged by the editors. The editors will also regenerate the HTML document to keep the AsciiDoc and HTML versions of the editors' draft in sync.

How to submit pull requests

This assumes that you are familiar with git and GitHub. GitHub offers training courses, for example, Introduction to GitHub.

One of the following two workflows are recommended. In both cases the AsciiDoc and other files are edited locally in a branch. The difference is whether the git command line interface is used or the GitHub Desktop tools.

Use the GitHub Desktop tools

The steps below link to a tutorial from GitHub. Please keep in mind that you will not edit pages of some website, but the AsciiDoc files of the WFS standard.

Note that as the editors' draft is updated after the merge of a pull request into the master branch, you should update your local copy before making new edits to lower the risk of conflicts.

Use the Git command line interface

If the Mac Git Bash command-line tool is preferred, consider learning the steps described at the Code School Git Tutorial.