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Template to start an Electron project with integrated nodejs server (express 4) to serve local web pages (http://localhost). Access to systray, jumplist (Windows), thumbar, desktop menu, etc.

I included a (fake) application that can be modified with your own code or completely eliminated to start from scratch.


Path Description
./src development codes
./dist compiled distribution files
./pack application files required by Electron-Builde
./assets "external" files added to the distribution package (not compressed in the ASA)

The application is divided into two parts, which can be seen in the ./src folder:

Path Description
./src/app Electron's encapsulation (systray, boot, OS configurations ...). This is the base that supports the application on your OS.
./src/net If the application has a web server, where other network users can access via API, socket or simple PWA/WEB applications, here is your working directory.


Electronizer has two layers: the development layer, which is installed in the ./src folder and the build layer, at the root of the project.

You need to install NPM dependencies on these two layers:

npm i
cd src
npm i


To run the code under development, type this at the root of the project (not inside ./src):

npm start

If your operating system is Windows, enter the following command to run:

npm run elizer


To create a test build, type:

npm run build

Check ./dist directory.


This command creates the packaged files to be sent to users to install the application. We will soon have more details in the documentation on packaging particularities for different operating systems (MacOs, Linux and Windows).

npm run dist

Than, check the ./dist directory.


Elize - a CLI to use with this template!
Coming soon in

The code is partially in Brazilian Portuguese.
Help to translate is very much desired!

Bill Rocha |

Feel invited to buy me a coffee 👋 - please!