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Unifying Interpretability and Explainability for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction


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Unifying Interpretability and Explainability for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction

Code associated with the paper "Unifying Interpretability and Explainability for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction" [arxiv link]. This work has been presented at the NeurIPS 2023's XAIA (XAI in Action: Past, Present, and Future Applications) workshop [PDF] and AAAI 2024's XAI4DRL (eXplainable AI approaches for Deep Reinforcement Learning) workshop [PDF]. If you use this code in your own work, we request that you kindly cite our paper:

  title={Unifying Interpretability and Explainability for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction},
  author={Ali, Raja Farrukh and Milani, Stephanie and Woods, John and Adeniji, Emmanuel and Farooq, Ayesha and Mansel, Clayton and Burns, Jeffrey and Hsu, William},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.07777}


Clone the repo. The conda yml file is in the setup folder. Use miniconda/anaconda to create a conda env by:

conda env create -f setup/adenv.yml

Configs, Dataset and Results Description

Information related to dataset variables used as input to the model, config variables passed to an experiment, and the result/output files is available under dataset/

Experiment Setup

Generate Configs

The base config file is brain.json. Specify the train configs using the file in which multiple values for a hyperparameter can be specified (e.g. "algo": ["TRPO"] to "algo": ["TRPO", "PPO"]). The same is true for All the possible configs will be generated as .json files in their respective folders.

python configs/
python configs/

Train the model

The folder containing the configs files (0.json, 1.json, ...) will be input to the, which launches the Edit the NUM_THREADS variable in according to your computational setup. After training is complete, evaluation will be carried out, followed by RL and SHAP plotting.

python configs/train_configs

Evaluate a trained model

One can also evaluate a trained model separately. This launches the with config[eval]=True as set in eval_configs, training will be skipped, the (already) trained model will be loaded, and evaluation performed by calling This will be followed by plotting.

python configs/eval_configs

Directory Structure

The entry point for the code is

├── configs             # Configs and the code to generate train/eval configs
├── dataset             # The filtered ADNI dataset divided into 5-folds for k-fold CV
├── plots_rl            # RL predictions vs Ground Truth plots are saved here
├── plots_shap          # SHAP plots are saved here for each algo
├── progress            # TF/PyTorch models and associated training files
├── results             # The predicted RL variables (cognition, activity, size etc.) per-patient per-year
├── results_summary     # A summary of results by folds and algos
├── setup               # Conda yaml and requirements.txt files
├── utils               # Tools and utilities 
├──        # Custom Gym environment simulating domain knowledge via Differential Equations
├──             # Run evaluation on trained agent
├──       # Entry point for running agent training, evaluation and plotting
├──            # Train agents
└──              # SHAP calculation and plotting code.

Different subfolders will be created during training and evaluation, and each algorithm's output will be under its own subfolder:

  1. progress folder stores training progress using tensorboard events, console output in debug.log, the RL method's training parameters under progress.csv, and the trained RL model as params.pkl.
  2. results folder stores the results of the experiment in a spreadsheet, with each patient's predicted parameters including cognition scores, brain region size, amyloid, energetic cost/activity for each year (see dataset/ for a breakdown). The experiment's config is saved as exp_config.json. The summary_adni.csv in the results folder stores a summary of all experiments in this batch, with each experiment's configuration and the MAE and MSE values across all subjects in a train/val/test split saved in a row.
  3. plots_rl folder saves all plots comparing RL predictions to Ground Truth variables. common contains only those data points whose ground truth values were available and all stands for all data points (full trajectory). baselines compare best RL method (currently TRPO) against the supervised baselines MiniRNN and SVR. rl compares all RL methods among each other alongside Ground Truth cognition scores. There will be 5 subfolders for each RL algorithm.
    • all contains cognition plots using all samples (RL predictions for all patients for all years),
    • common will include predictions for only those samples found in the original dataset (common data points),
    • comparison will have RL vs Ground Truth plots for 5 variables found in the dataset (Cognition, HC/PFC Size, HC/PFC Amyloid).
    • per_patient will contain the cognition and HC/PFC size plots for the patient in test split with the max cognition decline.
    • rl_trajectories folder will have RL predictions for cognition, energy cost, activity (HC+PFC), information (HC+PFC) and size (HC+PFC).
  4. plots_shap will contain the SHAP plots at the global level, local level (first sample by default), and selected patient plots (suffix with RID), each under its own folder.
  5. results_summary will contain 3 spreadsheets under a timestamped folder; a sorted version of summary_adni.csv, aggregate results by fold, and aggregate results by method.


The dataset used in this research belongs to ADNI, and permission is required to use this data for research purposes. Code is based on this open-sourced implementation of AD progression using RL, but has been extensively refactored and improved, along with integration of XRL components (SHAP).


Unifying Interpretability and Explainability for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction







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