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Scala Infer

Binder With the addition of a few keywords, scala-infer turns scala into a probabilistic programming language. To achieve scalability, inference is based on gradients of the (variational approximation to) the posterior distribution. Each draw from a distribution is accompanied by a guide distribution.

A probabilistic model in scala-infer is written as regular scala code. Values are drawn from distributions and are used to generate data. Such a model is known as generative, as it provides an explicit process.

Three new keywords are introduced:

  • infer to define a model
  • sample to draw a random variable from a distribution
  • observe to bind data to distributions in the model

When a value is sampled, two distributions are needed; the prior and the (variational approximation to) the posterior. Actual sample values are drawn from the posterior, but the prior is the starting point of the buildup of the posterior. Without observations, the posterior would be equal to the prior.

Parameters of the variational posterior are optimized by gradient descent. For each sample from the model, a backward pass calculates the gradients of the loss function. For variational inference, the loss function is the ELBO, a lower bound on the evidence.

Different tactics are used for discrete and continuous variables. For continuous variables, the reparametrization trick can be used to obtain a low variance estimator. Discrete variables use black-box variational inference, which only requires gradients of the score function to the parameters.

Including it in your project

To leverage scala-infer in your project, update plugins.sbt with

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("scala-infer", "maven")

and in build.sbt, add

libraryDependencies += "scala-infer" %% "scala-infer" % "0.3"

Running the project

While intended to become a library to be used, so far the only used ways of triggering the macro expansion and execution is to use either

  • sbt core/test, or
  • sbt app/run

Example: Sprinkler system

This is the rain-sprinkler-wet-grass system from the Wikipedia entry on Bayesian Networks. It features a number of discrete (boolean) random variables, an observation (the grass is wet) and an variational posterior distribution that is optimized to approximate the exact posterior.

// posterior distribution for the sprinkler, conditional on rain.
// The parameters run over the full real axis, they are mapped to the
// domain [0,1] by the logistic transformation.
val inRain = BBVIGuide(Bernoulli(logistic(Param(0.0))))
val noRain = BBVIGuide(Bernoulli(logistic(Param(0.0))))

// posterior distribution for the rain
val rainPost = BBVIGuide(Bernoulli(logistic(Param(0.0))))

// full model of the rain-sprinkler-grass system.  
val model = infer {

  // conditional sampling of the sprinkler.  The probability that
  // the sprinkler turned on, is dependent on whether it rained or not.
  val sprinkle = {
    rain: Boolean =>
      if (rain) {
        sample(Bernoulli(0.01), inRain)
      } else {
        sample(Bernoulli(0.4), noRain)

  val rain = sample(Bernoulli(0.2), rainPost)
  val sprinkled = sprinkle(rain)

  val p_wet = (rain, sprinkled) match {
    case (true,  true)  => 0.99
    case (false, true)  => 0.9
    case (true,  false) => 0.8
    case (false, false) => 0.001

  // bind model to data / add observation
  observe(Bernoulli(p_wet), true)

  // return quantity we're interested in

The example shows a number of features:

  • control flow (if (...) ... else ...) can be based on random variables
  • it's possible to define functions of random variables

Example: linear Regression

Here we showcase linear regression on 2 input variables. All variables are continuous here, with some fixed values used to generate a data set and a model to infer these parameters from the data.

// generate data; parameters should be recovered by inference algorithm
val data = {
  val alpha = 1.0
  val beta = (1.0, 2.5)
  val sigma = 1.0

  for {_ <- 0 until 100} yield {
    val X = (Random.nextGaussian(), 0.2 * Random.nextGaussian())
    val Y = alpha + X._1 * beta._1 + X._2 * beta._2 + Random.nextGaussian() * sigma
    (X, Y)

// set up variational approximation to the posterior distribution
val aPost = ReparamGuide(Normal(Param(0.0), exp(Param(0.0)))))
val b1Post = ReparamGuide(Normal(Param(0.0), exp(Param(0.0))))
val b2Post = ReparamGuide(Normal(Param(0.0), exp(Param(0.0))))
val errPost = ReparamGuide(Normal(Param(0.0), exp(Param(0.0))))

// the actual model.  Draw variables from prior distributions and link those variables to
// the posterior approximation.
val model = infer {
  val a = sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), aPost)
  val b1 = sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), b1Post)
  val b2 = sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), b2Post)
  val err = exp(sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), errPost))

  // iterate over data points to define the observations
  data.foreach[Unit] {
    case ((x1, x2), y) =>
      observe(Normal(a + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2, err), y: Real)

  // return the values that we're interested in
  (a, b1, b2, err)

// choose an optimization algorithm
// each parameter could have its own optimizer
val sgd = new Adam(alpha = 0.1)
val interpreter = new OptimizingInterpreter(sgd)

// warm up - each sample of the model triggers a gradient descent step
Range(0, 1000).foreach { i =>

// print some samples
Range(0, 10).foreach { i =>
  val (a, b1, b2, err) = model.sample(interpreter)
  println(s"  ${a.v}, ${b1.v}, ${b2.v}, ${err.v}")

Here, we not only inject the variational posterior distribution into the model, but the data as well. Some things to note here

  • we can naturally iterate over the data and declare observations - the used data types Seq and Tuple2 have no special meaning and neither has the foreach method
  • while real parameters and random variables run over the whole real axis, they can be mapped to the interval (0, Inf) by the exp function

Example: Two component Mixture

So far, we've seen examples of global variables being fit to a variational posterior. However, it's also possible to fit local variables. Focussing on the model definition part:

val data: Seq[Double] = ???

val dataWithGuides = { datum =>
  (datum, BBVIGuide(Bernoulli(logistic(Param(0.0)))))

val model = infer {
  val p = logistic(sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), pPost))
  val mu1 = sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), mu1Post)
  val mu2 = sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), mu2Post)
  val sigma = exp(sample(Normal(0.0, 1.0), sigmaPost))

  dataWithGuides.foreach[Unit] {
    case (value, guide) =>
      if (sample(Bernoulli(p), guide)) {
        observe(Normal(mu1, sigma), value: Real)
      } else {
        observe(Normal(mu2, sigma), value: Real)

  (p, mu1, mu2, sigma)

Here, we create a variational parameter for each data point - corresponding to the probability that the data point belongs to the first cluster.


While it is possible to treat every data point separately, as demonstrated above, this has some overhead associated with it. Often variables and data have some regularity to them, such that control flow is the same for many data points. In this case, it is possible to operate on tensor variables and data.

In general, tensors are multi-dimensional arrays of data. To deal with these multiple dimensions, scala-infer attaches a type to each dimension. For instance, when dealing with a batch of data points:

case class Batch(size: Int) extends Dim[Batch]

val shape = Batch(2)
val data = Array(0.0f, 1.0f)
val tensor: Value[ArrayTensor, Batch] = Constant(ArrayTensor(shape.sizes, data), shape)

where the type of the final tensor variable has been added for clarity. A tensor can be backed by different data structures. Above the java native Array[Float] is used, but it is also possible to use Nd4j's INDArray's for example.


Guides inject the approximation to the posterior into the model definition. When the (variational) inference algorithm runs, the difference between the approximation and the exact posterior is minimized. When sampling from the model, variables are sampled from the (distributions in the) guide.

Reparametrization Gradient

Continuous random variables from suitable distributions can be recast in a "reparametrized" form. A sample is obtained by sampling a fixed-parameter distribution, followed by a deterministic transformation specified by the parameters of the target distribution.

The variance of the gradient obtained for the parameters is reduced further by using the "Path Derivative", as detailed in Sticking the Landing: Simple, Lower-Variance Gradient Estimators for Variational Inference by Roeder, Wu and Duvenaud.

Black-Box Variational Inference

Dealing with discrete random variables is necessary to support a general programming language, with control flow depending on sampled variables. For discrete variables reparametrization is not possible and we resort to Black-Box Variational Inference. This suffers from large variance on estimates of the gradient of the posterior probability with respect to the variational parameters.

Two ways of reducing the variance are

  • Rao-Blackwellization
  • Control variates

The first (Rao-Blackwellization) is implemented by limiting, for each variable, the posterior to elements in its Markov blanket. The prior probability links the variable to its parents, likelihoods of observations and prior probabilities of downstream variables link it to children and their (other) parents. This procedure eliminates irrelevant other variables as sources of variance.

A simple control variate (moving average of the log-posterior) is used to reduce variance of the gradient further.

For further reading, see Black Box Variational Inference by Ranganath, Gerrish and Blei.