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This repository contains configurations for my productivity stack and some basic visual improvements.

Screenshot NeoVim 2023

Included Configurations


Graphical System


An overview over the most common tasks follows below, especially if they differ from the default. Check the files' contents for more details.

Command Line

  • <ctrl>+r to fuzzy find in the shell's history.
  • <ctrl>+t to fuzzy find paths within current directory.


Tmux sessions will be stored every 15 minutes and auto-restored when starting tmux the next time. Persists across restarts.

Prefix is <ctrl>-a.

  • <prefix> {c,n,p} create/next/previous window.
  • <prefix> {v,s} split pane vertically/horizontally.
  • <ctrl>+{h,j,k,l} to move cursor across panes (works also with vim windows).
  • <prefix> z to (un)zoom the current pane.
  • <prefix> {<,>,+,-} resize panes by fixed amount left/right/up/down.
  • <prefix> [ to enable copy mode. Use e.g. to scroll up to see older output. Movement in copy mode is vim-like (e.g. <ctrl>+{d,u} to move down/up a page).
  • <prefix> u fuzzy find and open a URL from the buffer.
  • <prefix> tab fuzzy find any previous tmux output (words, lines, URLs, paths).
  • <prefix> <alt-1> split all windows evenly horizontally (<alt-2> for vertically).



  • npm install -g tree-sitter
  • And possibly language tools which weren't automatically installed via mason.
    • For example npm install -g eslint_d after setup of asdf is complete.


  • When you first run NeoVim, lazy.nvim will install itself. After, run: :Lazy and I to install all plugins. Restart NeoVim.
  • When you re-start NeoVim, treesitter should install its packages and mason should install all kinds of language servers and tools. Restart NeoVim.