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Enigma P2P Network Monitor

Monitor chatter on the Enigma network.

Build Status

CLI Options

$ node main.js --help
Usage: node main.js [options]

  --bootstrap: Comma separated list of bootstrap nodes libp2p multiaddr.
    (default: [])
  --enigma-contract-address: Ethereum address of the Enigma smart contract.
    (default: null)
  --enigma-contract-json-path: Path to the compiled JSON file of the Enigma smart contract.
    (default: null)
  --web3-provider: URL of the web3 provider.
    (default: "ws://localhost:9545")

Usage Example

1. Clone the enigma-p2p repo & install dependencies:

git clone --single-branch -b develop --depth 1 /tmp/enigma-p2p
cd /tmp/enigma-p2p
npm install

cd test/ethereum/scripts
rm -rf build
npx truffle compile
npx truffle develop

This will print to the screen an accounts list. We'll chose one and call it $ETHEREUM_ACCOUNT and chose another and call it $ETHEREUM_STAKING_ACCOUNT. This is so that our workers will have gas to make transactions on the Ethereum blockchain (E.g. registering as a worker, deploying secret contracts, etc.)

2. In a new terminal, deploy the Enigma contract and get its address:

cd /tmp/enigma-p2p/test/ethereum/scripts
npx truffle migrate --reset 2>/dev/null | grep -A 4 "Replacing 'Enigma'" | grep 'contract address' | awk '{print $NF}'

This will deploy and print to the screen the Enigma contract address on the Ethereum blockchain. Lets call it $ENIGMA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

3. Run an enigma-p2p worker which is also a bootstrap node:

cd /tmp/enigma-p2p
node src/cli/cli_app.js -i B1 -p B1 --auto-init --mock-core --core --ethereum-address "$ETHEREUM_ACCOUNT" --staking-address "$ETHEREUM_STAKING_ACCOUNT" --ethereum-contract-address "$ENIGMA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"


B1 is hard coded for debugging and testing purposes. It's libp2p ID is QmcrQZ6RJdpYuGvZqD5QEHAv6qX4BrQLJLQPQUrTrzdcgm and it listens to port tcp/10300.


To skip the next step we could also run the bootstrap node with --lonely-node, which'll make it register without waiting for another node in the network.

4. In a new terminal, run another enigma-p2p worker and connect it with the bootstrap node:

cd /tmp/enigma-p2p
node src/cli/cli_app.js -b "/ip4/" --auto-init --mock-core --core --ethereum-address "$ETHEREUM_ACCOUNT" --staking-address "$ETHEREUM_STAKING_ACCOUNT" --ethereum-contract-address "$ENIGMA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"


It's also possible to use -b B1 instead of -b "/ip4/".


To skip this step we could also run the bootstrap node with --lonely-node, which'll make it register without waiting for another node in the network.

5. In a new terminal, run an enigma-p2p-monitor node:

git clone /tmp/enigma-p2p-monitor
cd /tmp/enigma-p2p-monitor
yarn install
node main.js --bootstrap "/ip4/"  --enigma-contract-json-path "/tmp/enigma-p2p/test/ethereum/scripts/build/contracts/Enigma.json" --enigma-contract-address "$ENIGMA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"

It'll now connect to the enigma-p2p nodes.

6. Inside one of the enigma-p2p workers terminal, run:

broadcast banana
broadcast papaya

7. Inside the enigma-p2p-monitor node you'll see:


Debugging with docker-environment
