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DAWNet server infrastructure. It includes the API Server, WebSocket Server, and Docker Compose setup


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Signals & Sorcery

Signals & Sorcery is a DAW (digit audio workstation) plugin that connects to a remote Google Colab or Script. A user can send audio files from the plugin for remote processing. Hence, perform computationally expensive tasks such as text-2-audio or stem separation without leaving the DAW.

For more information:

Signals & Sorcery infrastructure (DockerCompose)

This is a monorepo containing all the services needed to support the Crucible plugin and runes-client. The repo contains the following services:

  • Signals & Sorcery API SERVER: The Django server (DRF) which serves the API and handles uploads/downloads to cloud storage.
  • Signals & Sorcery WEBSOCKET SERVER: A Python websockets server which handles the realtime communication between the RUNES / Google Colabs (or scripts)
  • POSTGRES DATABASE: The database which stores all the data for the Signals & Sorcery infrastructure

NOTE: there are a few other services which are currently just placeholders to support potential functionality such as a web frontend for user auth, etc.


To install all dependencies:

make install

To delete all dependencies:

make clean

All the command from the Makefile would require to have your environment setup with the variables listed at the end of this file. You may use example.env as a sample.


This django app has been setup for multi-settings mode (app/settings), two settings have been created:

  • api
  • web

There are inheriting everything from app/settings/

Here is an example of commands you can run for the api settings:

make setting=api migrations
make setting=api migrate
make setting=api port=8080 server

note: migrations require you to have a virtual environment setup i.e:

cd signals-and-sorcery-server
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
make setting=api migrations

note: the migrations will be applied when you do the docker-compose up --build

The server will be ready on http://localhost:8080.


  • SERVER: You will a server expose to the public internet. I recommend a multi-core Ubuntu VM on AWS or GCP.
  • DOCKER-COMPOSE: you will need docker and docker-compose installed on you server. I recommend querying CHAT-GPT for instructions on how to install docker-compose on your server.
  • GCP CLOUD STORAGE: As currently implemented the system expects to use GCP cloud storage for the storage and transfer of audio files. You will need to create a GCP account, download the service account key, put it in the root of the repo, the filling the environment variables. See example.env for the required format of the service key.

Running The Services

Set up your environment variables by renaming the example.env to .env and fill in the required values.

Start the services using docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build

After running this command, (BY DEFAULT) you should have the following services exposed on the following ports:

  • Signals & Sorcery API SERVER: http://[YOUR-IP-AT-PORT]:8081
  • Signals & Sorcery WEB SOCKET: http://[YOUR-IP-AT-PORT]:8765


Remember you'll need to expose your ports to the public internet on your VM. (Query Chat-GPT for instructions on how to do this.)


When running migrations and database command make sure you are using the correct .env values. Note: they will be different from outside docker. e.x

Super User creation

make setting=web superuser
POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PORT=5438 (localport)


Go to GoDaddy and download the private key from the domain. Then go to the Godaddy SSL Certs and download the cert. On the host put them in these locations:

ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/generated-private-key.txt;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ddfda9a2ad338b2b.crt;


DAWNet server infrastructure. It includes the API Server, WebSocket Server, and Docker Compose setup








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