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Kickassanime API, setting up the database, and remote meditators

Past due by over 2 years 100% complete

Design the kickassaime API using a retrofit.
The API calls should have their own separate models. Retrieving all the possible data.
Develop some kind of error-catching mechanism.
Analyze the data, create er diagrams, and create tables.
Write the following queries.
Anime Queries
-> Getting anime on the front page
-> Searching for anime
-> Filtering anime

Design the kickassaime API using a retrofit.
The API calls should have their own separate models. Retrieving all the possible data.
Develop some kind of error-catching mechanism.
Analyze the data, create er diagrams, and create tables.
Write the following queries.
Anime Queries
-> Getting anime on the front page
-> Searching for anime
-> Filtering anime
-> Ongoing anime
-> listing episodes by providing anime identifier
-> get episode information by providing anime identifier and episode identifier

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