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Tokenguard Dashboard Builder - Server

Welcome to the Tokenguard Dashboard Builder Server repository! This repository contains the backend implementation of our dashboard builder tool for data analytics. The server-side application provides APIs for connecting frontend visualizations with underlying data, saving and modifying visualization-related data, and managing user dashboards. This tool is under constant development and its initial version was delivered thanks to Web3 Foundation grant
This repository is part of the whole project with its corresponding frontend service available at dashboard-creator-client


  • API Reading Mechanism: Connect frontend visualizations with underlying data through a RESTful API built with NodeJS and Express.
  • Data Storage: Store visualization and dashboard-related data in MongoDB for efficient retrieval and management.
  • Scalability: Built with scalability in mind to handle large datasets and user traffic effectively.

For detailed description of features, please refer guide in TESTING section.

Getting Started

Dashboard Creator Server is only one part of more complex project including following services:

  1. dashboard-creator-server - the backend service storing information about build dashboards and queries
  2. dashboard-creator-client - frontend app
  3. db-api - REST interface between PostgreSQL database and backend service. has its private implementation of such service and its image is available in dockerhub, however everyone is encouraged to create his own db-api and connect it to provided dashboard builder backend and frontend.

To fully function backend service needs mongodb to store dashboard configuration, layout and displayed dashboard elements. Implementation of db-api consists of two PostgreSQL databases. One for storing queries (QUERIESDB_ env variables) and the other one with actual data for metrics visualization (DATADB_ env variables)

For convenience and ease of further project development, we provide minimal docker-compose project to get you started. It spins up server app (this one), db-api and required underlying databases. It starts in dev mode with hot reaload.

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone
  2. go to repo root directory: cd dashboard-creator-server
  3. switch to latest creator release: git checkout tags/v2.0.6 -b branch-v2.0.6
  4. Run the Development docker-compose environment: docker-compose up
  5. see the results: go to http://localhost:8081/api-docs to see the swagger documentation endpoints
git clone
cd dashboard-creator-server
git checkout tags/v2.0.6 -b branch-v2.0.6
docker-compose up

Running Unit Tests

  1. install dependencies: npm install
  2. Run tests: npm test tests outcome:
Test Suites: 7 passed, 7 total
Tests:       35 passed, 35 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        17.633 s

Integration tests

To see full application with all its features visit demo app. To roll out your own demo app with all its features, please follow instructions in TESTING section.

Tech Stack

  • Backend Framework: NodeJS with Express
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • API Documentation: OpenAPI
  • Development Tool: Docker


We encourage contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to the Tokenguard Dashboard Builder Server, please refer to our contribution guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.