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A Leiningen plugin for running javascript code through JSLint


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JSLint is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if JavaScript source code complies with coding rules.

lein-jslint is a Leiningen plugin for running javascript code through JSLint.

Build Status Clojars Project


Install NodeJS and NPM (package manager for Node) to install JSHint:

  • On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • On Mac OS X: brew install node


Install JSLint to use lein-jslint plugin. It could be done in few ways:

  • Use NPM to install JSLint globally: npm install jslint -g
  • You can also install JSLint in the current directory: npm install jslint
  • Use lein-npm plugin: lein npm install
  • Use just Leiningen: lein deps


To enable lein-jslint for your project, put the following in the :plugins vector of your project.clj file:

; Use latest version instead of "X.X.X"
:plugins [[lein-jslint "X.X.X"]]


You can specify places, where JS files will be located with:

:jslint {
  :includes ["resources/public/js/*.js"

You can also specify JS files that should be excluded from checking:

:jslint { :excludes ["resources/public/lib/*.js"] }

To specify :includes and :excludes options, it is possible to use Glob Patterns.

JSLint rules could be configured with :config parameter:

; It specifies which JSLint options to turn on or off
:jslint {
  :debug true ; To debug processing
  :config {:predef {"angular" "console" "$"}
           :nomen true
           :eqeq true

You can use both variants to specify keys: string values or keywords.

All available parameters are described in the official documentation here


To enable this plugin in compile stage, use the following hook:

:hooks [lein-jslint.plugin]


Detailed example

:jslint {
  :includes ["resources/public/js/*.js"]

  ; This configuration is used by default
  :config {:confusion    true
           :continue     true
           :regexp       true
           :unparam      true
           :vars         true}}

Another example of configuration file: .jslintrc

Example project

Just clone the current repository and try to play with example project for better understanding how to use lein-jslint.

Unit testing

To run unit tests:

lein test

Thanks to

Douglas Crockford for the great JSLint project.

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Copyright © 2014 Vladislav Bauer

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.