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Cron is a software utility that specifies commands to run on a given schedule.
Inspired with spring-framework blog post: link
Library provides functionality that describes in: link
Written in C and designed specifically for embedded devices.


  • No dynamic or static memory allocations
  • Time zones and DST rules support
  • All Quartz fields support
  • Composite quartz field support
  • No time.h library dependencies
  • Full test coverage



  • Not all composite quartz fields like: "0 0 0 1W,15,LW * ?" is supported
  • No year field support

Add as CPM project dependency

How to add CPM to the project, check the link

        NAME CronExpression
        GITHUB_REPOSITORY ximtech/CronExpression
        GIT_TAG origin/main

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} CronExpression)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME}.elf ${SOURCES} ${LINKER_SCRIPT})
# For Clion STM32 plugin generated Cmake use 
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}.elf CronExpression)

Cron structure

  • The Cron pattern consists of six or seven space-separated fields
     ┌───────────── second (0-59)
     │ ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
     │ │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
     │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
     │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12) (or JAN-DEC)
     │ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 7)
     │ │ │ │ │ │          (or MON-SUN -- 0 or 7 is Sunday)
     │ │ │ │ │ │
     * * * * * *

Examples of supported expressions

Standard Cron

Cron Expression Meaning
0 0 * * * * top of every hour of every day
*/10 * * * * * every ten seconds
0 0 8-10 * * * 8, 9 and 10 o’clock of every day
0 0 6,19 * * * 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM every day
0 0/30 8-10 * * * 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30 every day
0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI on the hour nine-to-five weekdays
0 0 0 25 12 ? every Christmas Day at midnight


  • You can use these macros instead of the six-digit value
Macro Meaning
@yearly (or @annually) once a year 0 0 0 1 1 *
@monthly once a month 0 0 0 1 * *
@weekly once a week 0 0 0 * * 0
@daily (or @midnight) once a day 0 0 0 * * *
@hourly once an hour, 0 0 * * * *

Last Days

Cron Expression Meaning
0 0 0 L * * last day of the month at midnight
0 0 0 L-3 * * third-to-last day of the month at midnight
0 0 0 * * 5L last Friday of the month at midnight
0 0 0 * * THUL last Thursday of the month at midnight
0 0 0 2,3,L * * on the 2nd, 3rd and last day of the month at midnight
0 0 0 3-8,L * * between 3rd and 8th, and last day of the month at midnight


Cron Expression Meaning
0 0 0 1W * * first weekday of the month at midnight
0 0 0 LW * * last weekday of the month at midnight

Second Friday of the Month

Cron Expression Meaning
0 0 0 ? * 5#2 the second Friday in the month at midnight
0 0 0 ? * MON#1 the first Monday in the month at midnight


 #include "CronExpression.h"

 CronExpression cron;
 CronStatus status = parseCronExpression(&cron, "0 */2 1-4 * * *");
 if (status != CRON_OK) {    // check for error
    printf("ERROR! No: %d\n", status);
    return -1;

 DateTime current = dateTimeNow();
 DateTime next = nextCronDateTime(&cron, &current);

Timezone support and DST rules

 CronExpression cron;
 parseCronExpression(&cron, "0 0 9 * * *");
 TimeZone zone = timeZoneOf("Europe/Amsterdam");    // create time zone

 ZonedDateTime last = zonedDateTimeOf(2021, 3, 27, 9, 0, 0, 0, &zone);   // Amsterdam winter time has 3600s UTC offset, and clock is moved one hour forward 28 march at 01:00 o'clock
 ZonedDateTime actual = nextCronZonedDateTime(&cron, &last);                 // moving from summer to winter time
 ZonedDateTime expected = zonedDateTimeOf(2021, 3, 28, 9, 0, 0, 0, &zone);   // summer time has 7200s UTC offset
 assert_true(isDateTimeEquals(&actual.dateTime, &expected.dateTime));   // check that dates calculated correctly
 assert_true(last.offset == 3600);
 assert_true(actual.offset == 7200);


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