Jonathan Filbert

Jakarta Raya, Indonesia Informasi Kontak
4 rb pengikut 500+ koneksi

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Jonathan Filbert Lisyanto is an accomplished Software Engineer and Academic Researcher…


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  • ByteDance

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Lisensi dan Sertifikasi

Pengalaman Sukarela

  • Gambar Google

    DSC UI Chapter Core & Founding Team


    - 9 bulan

    Science and Technology

    One of the 5 core members for Development Student Clubs - Universitas Indonesia Chapter.
    My responsibilities were scheduling events, creating publications, and speaking at meetups to spread awareness towards open source contribution and democracy of technology.

    The highlight of my time as a core team at DSC@UI was the time when I spoke at our conference and taught 70+ students on how to build their first mobile app using Flutter. The talk was well received and 40+ students left the…

    One of the 5 core members for Development Student Clubs - Universitas Indonesia Chapter.
    My responsibilities were scheduling events, creating publications, and speaking at meetups to spread awareness towards open source contribution and democracy of technology.

    The highlight of my time as a core team at DSC@UI was the time when I spoke at our conference and taught 70+ students on how to build their first mobile app using Flutter. The talk was well received and 40+ students left the venue with their first android app installed on their phone.

    Development Student Clubs is a student-run non-profit organization with mission to empower and impact its surroundings with digital inventions powered by the spirit of open-source.

  • Gambar SIGAP

    Lead Software Engineer


    - 2 bulan


    Led a group of student volunteers to develop a webapp that provides various informations regarding COVID-19 prevention progress at University of Indonesia led by Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia.

    Designed and developed the MVP in a day, and in the course of a month, led and taught a group of student volunteers web development using Django, Flexbox CSS and GCP CI/CD using Heroku. Practiced agile development methodology and SCRUM using Trello.

  • Gambar AIESEC Universitas Indonesia

    Organizing Committee Vice President

    AIESEC Universitas Indonesia

    - 5 bulan


    OCVP (Organizing Committee Vice President) of Selection and Learning for the World of Education programme, AIESEC Universitas Indonesia.
    I'm in charge of creating and managing syllabus for the program and EP (exchanged partner) selection through a rigorous process of application and interview.
    World of Education is a special programme directed by AIESEC International. Only 3 universities in Indonesia were chosen to carry out this project. One of which being Universitas Indonesia.

  • Gambar BEM Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia

    Junior IT Developer

    BEM Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia

    - 1 tahun

    Science and Technology

    Member of the Bureau of IT Development at The Student Executive Board of The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia.

    Some of my work were:
    Revamped and implemented our website’s UI to match our branding and visual guide. Resulted in a 150% increase in unique traffic hits in the first month. Wordpress | PHP.

    Developed an RSVP system for blood donator registrants. Resulted in shortening registration time (2 minutes -> ~30 seconds) and 85% overall faculty…

    Member of the Bureau of IT Development at The Student Executive Board of The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia.

    Some of my work were:
    Revamped and implemented our website’s UI to match our branding and visual guide. Resulted in a 150% increase in unique traffic hits in the first month. Wordpress | PHP.

    Developed an RSVP system for blood donator registrants. Resulted in shortening registration time (2 minutes -> ~30 seconds) and 85% overall faculty satisfaction rate. React | Styled Components

    Developed a new interactive dashboard system for faculty locker borrowing web app. Resulted in 100% full and completed locker bookings. React - Redux | Styled Components | Django

    Developed a Pseudorandom Number Generator powered android app to randomly choose a class-head.
    React Native | Redux | Styled Components

    Hosted a 6 weeks software engineering bootcamp that taught freshman how to code in correspond to the stacks used in my division. We taught fullstack end to end web development using React and Django that resulted in a fullstack personal website portfolio for each student.

  • Gambar COMPFEST



    - 9 bulan

    Science and Technology

    Part of a team that designs and handles visual publications, and UI/UX of COMPFEST Website.

    Some of my works were (but not limited to):
    - Designed Playground web experience (Dashboard, Leaderboard, Marketplace, Product Detail Page, Payment History, and PLAY ID)
    - Designed Seminar landing page
    - Designed Main Event landing page
    - Designed Competition detail page
    - Designed Campaign of Compfest Banners
    - Designed H-1 infographic on how to get to main event


    Academic Staff


    - 3 bulan


    BETIS Fasilkom UI is a movement by The Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia to teach and aid students in SBMPTN preparation for free (as in free drinks).
    I'm in charge for preparing syllabus and exercises in the subject of Bahasa Inggris (English Language).

  • Gambar Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (BEM UI)

    Voluntary English Teacher

    Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (BEM UI)

    - 4 bulan


    I taught advanced, high-school level English to high-school level Indonesian (Paket C) as a volunteer every Saturday for underprivileged students.

  • Gambar Open House Fasilkom UI 2018

    Public Relations

    Open House Fasilkom UI 2018

    - 3 bulan


    - Act as a representative from The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) to visit high-schools around Jakarta and spread the buzz about Fasilkom UI.
    -Contribute in social media campaigns to raise brand awareness towards the event, "Open House Fasilkom 2018"

  • Gambar SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta

    English Division Volunteer Coordinator

    SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Jakarta

    - 6 bulan


    I was the coordinator for the English division on TOS (Teaching for Others by SMUKIers), an education movement initiated by high school students from SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta. We helped the unfortunates especially children by providing them with education courses in Computer, English, and Science every week for free.

  • Gambar Gereja Bethel Indonesia

    Visual Designer & Operator

    Gereja Bethel Indonesia

    - Saat ini 6 tahun 7 tahun

    Social Services

    I am responsible in operating Visuals and making some visual assets to be used in weekly service.

  • Gambar Gereja Bethel Indonesia

    Youth Camp Facilitator

    Gereja Bethel Indonesia

    - Saat ini 6 tahun 11 tahun

    Social Services



  • Accounting Information Systems


  • Data Mining & Business Intelligence


  • Data Structures and Algorithms


  • Discrete Mathematics 1


  • Discrete Mathematics 2


  • Enterprise Systems


  • Foundations of Programming 1 (Python)


  • Foundations of Programming 2 (Java)


  • Introduction to Business Administration


  • Introduction to Management Principles


  • Linear Algebra


  • Research Methodology & Scientific Writing



  • Quanta Website

    The official website for the 2018 batch of Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia.
    I'm in charge of prototyping the user interface and building the website using HTML/CSS/Js
    The mobile version of the website is currently being built as it couldn't be developed in the deadline of the project (1-week).

    Lihat proyek
  • STARTFarm

    Visual designer for an agriculture solution for farmers of Indonesia.
    Presented in front of the Indonesian Minister of Forestry.

  • RISTEK.Link | World's easiest customisable url shortener, no logins requred!


    It all started with the confusion and the reliance of students to shorten URLs to share internal documents in RISTEK. As a student organization, we faced a lot of difficulties in creating and sharing customized URLs to fellow students and/or our partners.

    We made this URL shortener to make things a lot easier! People in or outside RISTEK can now use our powerful and easy URL shortener to create and share customized URLs at no cost and no logins required.

    ⚡️ Fast…

    It all started with the confusion and the reliance of students to shorten URLs to share internal documents in RISTEK. As a student organization, we faced a lot of difficulties in creating and sharing customized URLs to fellow students and/or our partners.

    We made this URL shortener to make things a lot easier! People in or outside RISTEK can now use our powerful and easy URL shortener to create and share customized URLs at no cost and no logins required.

    ⚡️ Fast (don't trust our word, try it out yourself)!
    👋 Easy to use, no logins/signups required!
    🇮🇩 By students of 🇮🇩 for the 🌎!

    Lihat proyek
  • SusunJadwal - University of Indonesia's #1 Student Course Planning App


    SusunJadwal is the biggest student open source project at the University of Indonesia with over 10k annual users and processing over 30k processes ranging from all of the faculties on campus. SusunJadwal helps student intelligently plan for their next semester classes by providing a real-time course catalogue that syncs with SIAK (University of Indonesia's academic information systems) and letting students meticulously plan their schedule for the upcoming semester.
    As part of the…

    SusunJadwal is the biggest student open source project at the University of Indonesia with over 10k annual users and processing over 30k processes ranging from all of the faculties on campus. SusunJadwal helps student intelligently plan for their next semester classes by providing a real-time course catalogue that syncs with SIAK (University of Indonesia's academic information systems) and letting students meticulously plan their schedule for the upcoming semester.
    As part of the final project for Open Source Software Development (CSIE604224), we developed a feature called "Edit Jadwal". A feature that's based on a 2 years old issue on the repo that lets student edit, and clone a schedule. We also installed an analytics report system on the production server that lets us monitor traffic and usage over the usage period.
    The feature gained a large amount of positive reactions from freshmen, juniors, even alumnis, as this was one of the most anticipated feature of SusunJadwal.

    Kreator lainnya
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  • UIMeet


    UIMeet is a self-hosted Jitsi Meet instance, supercharged with SSO-UI authentication provided by AKUN, a bleeding edge authentication-as-a-service for SSO UI.

    This was made in correlation with the open source software development first group assignment in under 3 weeks, the project was then demoed and received great and satisfactory feedback by the professor and fellow colleagues.

    Repository is available here:


    UIMeet is a self-hosted Jitsi Meet instance, supercharged with SSO-UI authentication provided by AKUN, a bleeding edge authentication-as-a-service for SSO UI.

    This was made in correlation with the open source software development first group assignment in under 3 weeks, the project was then demoed and received great and satisfactory feedback by the professor and fellow colleagues.

    Repository is available here:

    It's consisted of 3 microservices:
    1. Robin
    NextJS frontend

    2. Batman
    Dockerized Jitsi instance, hosted in Fasilkom UI's server

    3. Joker
    Django auth microservice that spits hashed JWT with credentials provided by SSO UI - CAS-3 through AKUN.

    Developed most of the microservices, tech stacks used include NextJS and Typescript, Docker, Docker-Compose, and PM2.

    Kreator lainnya
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  • PMB Fasilkom UI - UI's biggest interactive platform


    PMB Fasilkom UI is a yearly orientation event held by the Faculty of Computer Science, the University of Indonesia to educate and bring freshmen and seniors together through a series of activities known as "kenalan", where a freshman would get to know a senior via a timed token-accept system.

    As one of if not the biggest online platform made by students of Univeristy of Indonesia, the PMB website would have to support a lot of traffic, as it's used by 1000+ students and established 8000+…

    PMB Fasilkom UI is a yearly orientation event held by the Faculty of Computer Science, the University of Indonesia to educate and bring freshmen and seniors together through a series of activities known as "kenalan", where a freshman would get to know a senior via a timed token-accept system.

    As one of if not the biggest online platform made by students of Univeristy of Indonesia, the PMB website would have to support a lot of traffic, as it's used by 1000+ students and established 8000+ kenalan activities intensely every year, it features a lot of clever architectural design and custom utilities to get things done, such as our extensive authentication selectors, redux middlewares, and CSS utility modules.

    The website was developed with the agile methodology within 3 sprints of 3 weeks, so in total of 2 months, we were able to deliver a modern React - Django app to support the scale of PMB Fasilkom UI, which as of this writing, has supported 8500+ "kenalan" and 1200+ students.

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  • Dear Asdos


    Built a webapp to share parting messages to my student.
    Before they had graduated my class, I made a webapp that accepts a secret code and then displays a special parting message I've prepared for that particular student, the codes were given on the last day of programming-assignment 1on1 session.

    The project consisted of a backend microservice built with Django-Postgresql and a frontend React application. I did this in one sitting, and successfully deployed and integrated the apps in…

    Built a webapp to share parting messages to my student.
    Before they had graduated my class, I made a webapp that accepts a secret code and then displays a special parting message I've prepared for that particular student, the codes were given on the last day of programming-assignment 1on1 session.

    The project consisted of a backend microservice built with Django-Postgresql and a frontend React application. I did this in one sitting, and successfully deployed and integrated the apps in under 4 hours. One of my students cried during the last 1on1 session after the message appeared. I guess technology can do good on humanity after all :)

    Lihat proyek
  • Missme


    Missme is a mobile app that enables you and your partner to send push notification to each other when you're feeling clingy.
    The app works by creating a unique code that you then give to your partner. Both of you then insert each other's code into your app. Upon inserted, you're then able to send funny messages that will appear in your partner's phone as notifications. The app also features a "random" button that will randomly send one of the messages to your partner.

    The app was…

    Missme is a mobile app that enables you and your partner to send push notification to each other when you're feeling clingy.
    The app works by creating a unique code that you then give to your partner. Both of you then insert each other's code into your app. Upon inserted, you're then able to send funny messages that will appear in your partner's phone as notifications. The app also features a "random" button that will randomly send one of the messages to your partner.

    The app was built using React Native and features an integration to Expo push notification API. I utilized string manipulation to turn complicated Expo Notification token into tokens that's sharable using React Native Clipboard API. The app then saved the entered token using async-storage API.

    I did this in 1 sitting, but took me 3 hours to research and plan out the app, although the app's UI could be hugely improved, I am very proud of this app because I managed to turn an idea into a working POC app in one sitting.

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  • Lytebox


    Developed the world's first real-time web-based lyric multimedia webapp that's easy to use and blazing fast. We developed this tool to answer an internal problem in my church, a huge amount of dependencies towards paid lyric software (easy worship). We managed to finish the MVP in less than a week and got it working on a service flawlessly with more than 200 satisfied congregation.

    Stack used:
    React, Redux with realtime capabilities using Firebase and…

    Developed the world's first real-time web-based lyric multimedia webapp that's easy to use and blazing fast. We developed this tool to answer an internal problem in my church, a huge amount of dependencies towards paid lyric software (easy worship). We managed to finish the MVP in less than a week and got it working on a service flawlessly with more than 200 satisfied congregation.

    Stack used:
    React, Redux with realtime capabilities using Firebase and localstorage.


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  • SweatBook


    A fitness logging android/ios app that logs your workout history and lets you log custom workouts too. Built with React Native - Redux - Redux Thunk stack.

  • Jonathan Filbert Website


    A personal website that incorporates 3 major things I personally love,
    1. Brutalism Design Language
    2. Microservices based architecture
    3. Personal Development

    1. Brutalism Design Language
    As a UI/UX enthusiast, I challenged the current "trend" in UI design. Everybody loves "blob" and "non white background", but as these styles of illustrations are used on every major websites, it becomes boring. So I took on the challenge and used "Brutalism Design", a design language where…

    A personal website that incorporates 3 major things I personally love,
    1. Brutalism Design Language
    2. Microservices based architecture
    3. Personal Development

    1. Brutalism Design Language
    As a UI/UX enthusiast, I challenged the current "trend" in UI design. Everybody loves "blob" and "non white background", but as these styles of illustrations are used on every major websites, it becomes boring. So I took on the challenge and used "Brutalism Design", a design language where communication and simplicity is more important than illustrations.

    2. Microservices
    I seperated my website from a single codebase into multiple smaller architectures that do specific tasks so granular control can be obtained.

    3. Personal Development
    I used to love reading, but nowadays, I watch YouTube videos more often that I read. So to cope with that, I'm sharing my book-reading progress in my website so everyone can read a long with me and see my personal notes on the completed ones.

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    Built a fullstack web application as a final project for Web Design & Programming class (CSGE602022).

    Did the overall UI/UX of the app and made sure the overall user-journey for the web-app is linear and user-friendly. Developed the majority of the front-end and helped in the integration with the back-end.

    Lihat proyek

Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Best Session Presenter: E-Government

    The 14th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS)

    Best session presenter for ICACSIS 2022 in E-Government topic.

  • Best Newkama - 52nd Onboarding Tokopedia


    Selected as “The Best Newkama” out of 50 new employees during the 52nd onboarding of Tokopedia.

  • Cloudflare Developer Challenge 2021 Winner


    One of the 300 global winners of Cloudflare Developer Challenge 2021 by building RISTEK.LINK.

    Cloudflare Developer Challenge is a global competition held by Cloudflare for people to build an innovative project that uses two or more of the Cloudflare developer platform products: Cloudflare Workers, Workers KV, Durable Objects, and Cloudflare Pages.

    Winners are judged by these criteria:
    Submissions will be based on three criteria:

    The first criteria is to meet the basic…

    One of the 300 global winners of Cloudflare Developer Challenge 2021 by building RISTEK.LINK.

    Cloudflare Developer Challenge is a global competition held by Cloudflare for people to build an innovative project that uses two or more of the Cloudflare developer platform products: Cloudflare Workers, Workers KV, Durable Objects, and Cloudflare Pages.

    Winners are judged by these criteria:
    Submissions will be based on three criteria:

    The first criteria is to meet the basic requirements of the challenge. This includes using at least two products in the platform, and submitting the live link of your project and your code repository. You must submit before November 1, 2021.

    The second criteria we will judge is around innovation. Projects that are unique and useful to users will be more likely to win the swag boxes.

    The third criteria is based on the breadth of the Cloudflare platform you use. The more products you integrate, the better!

  • Pahamify Campus Fair Featured Student


    I was chosen as one of 70 students from Indonesia to represent his/her major and university in Pahamify Campus Fair, Indonesia's biggest virtual campus fair initiated by Pahamify.

  • SMAN 24 Kompetisi Penelitian Siswa Indonesia (KoPSI) - Mentor


    Mentored and coached the team at SMAN 24 Jakarta in preparing them for the presentation, paper submission, and interview session with the judges. Moreover, shared and criticized the papers from the impacts, machine learning, and pulic roadmap standpoint.

  • DuniaUI Campus Talks: Why Information Systems as a Major


    Covered by DuniaUI: One of the largest Universitas of Indonesia student media phenomenon with over 120k+ followers to do an interview on the Information Systems major, being a Mapres (Mahasiswa Berprestasi or the Most Outstanding Student), and internships.

    Watch the interview here:

  • Young Entrepreneur Days 2021: Mentor Speaker

    Young Entrepreneur Days 2021

    Invited as a mentor at the Young Entrepreneur Days 2021 to talk about creating pitch decks for beginner students. Attended by 20 students in which we created a full-fledged pitch deck in less than 1 hour.
    See the deck here:

  • BEM Fasilkom UI Upgrading Time: PTI Speaker

    BEM Fasilkom UI

    Invited as a speaker for the Student Executive Bureau Inspirational Session. Talked about hyperscaling an organization, engineering productivity, and project management.
    Link to slide:

  • National 3rd Winner of Tokopedia DevCamp Hackathon 2021


    Placed 3rd out of 48 in the national hackathon held by Tokopedia. Moreover passed DevCamp selection process which selected 48 out of 4000+ applicants in order to join the competition.

  • SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta CS Seminar & Bootcamp Speaker

    SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta

    Speaking as alumni for a Computer Science seminar in SMAK 1 PENABUR Jakarta about pursuing a CS degree after graduating high school. Moreover, also conducted an "Intro to Javascript" crash course teaching 100+ students the basic of logical programming, DOM manipulation, conditionals. etc.

    Speaking deck:

  • Triple Podiums - Information System Development (PROPENSI)

    Tim Dosen PROPENSI 2021

    My team won:
    🏆 1st Most Crazy Rich Project | Rp 146B+ Investment on the leaderboard
    🏆 1st Most Exist Project | The ONLY team that created podcasts and educational supporting contents
    🏆 1st Best Technology Project | The team with the most advanced and sophisticated tech stacks

    The first team to ever snatched 3 awards in PROPENSI.

    Information System Development (Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Informasi or PROPENSI) is the capstone class of the Information System…

    My team won:
    🏆 1st Most Crazy Rich Project | Rp 146B+ Investment on the leaderboard
    🏆 1st Most Exist Project | The ONLY team that created podcasts and educational supporting contents
    🏆 1st Best Technology Project | The team with the most advanced and sophisticated tech stacks

    The first team to ever snatched 3 awards in PROPENSI.

    Information System Development (Proyek Pengembangan Sistem Informasi or PROPENSI) is the capstone class of the Information System department in the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. Students are grouped in a group of five and were tasked to build a real working end-end system from finding the client, analyzing the needs, implementation, all the way to project handover.

  • Cultural Diversity Open Column

    UI Art Enthusiast

    Wrote a column for Universitas Indonesia Art Enthusiast Community about cultural diversity from the perspective of a monocultural background entering a diverse multicultural place like my campus today (UI).

  • The Most Outstanding Student III of the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia

    Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia

    Awarded as The Most Oustanding Student III of The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2021 with a thesis titled "Decentralized Finance Analysis in Achieving Financial Democratization in Indonesia".

    The process of obtaining the award was not easy; the candidates were rigorously selected by Fasilkom UI's brightest professors and academians as panelist chairs and considered by the following criteria: Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA), academic and non-academic…

    Awarded as The Most Oustanding Student III of The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2021 with a thesis titled "Decentralized Finance Analysis in Achieving Financial Democratization in Indonesia".

    The process of obtaining the award was not easy; the candidates were rigorously selected by Fasilkom UI's brightest professors and academians as panelist chairs and considered by the following criteria: Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA), academic and non-academic achievements, English competency (oral and written), personal motivation, scientific research paper, and a final presentation session.

  • Most Performant Member of IT Division BEM Fasilkom UI 2019


  • Flutter Workshop Speaker | 1 Day Flutter from 0 to Hero

    Developer Student Clubs @ UI

    Taught 50 students from 6 different non-CS faculties to build their first app using Flutter.


  • English

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

  • Indonesian

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

  • Korean

    Tingkat dasar


  • Developer Student Clubs - UI Chapter

    Core Team


    Held the core member position for Google Developer Student Clubs

  • Penabur Astronomy Jenjang Science Club



    I was a member of the Penabur Jenjang Astronomy Club

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