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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

used for questions that ask users to discuss an idea, concept, or problem in an abstract way. A discussion question may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and is oft…
5998 questions
A request for assistance with one of the site's features.
2637 questions
For questions about MathJax, which is used to write mathematics on Stack Exchange sites.
You have an idea for a new feature on the site, or for a change to the existing functionality.
Indicates a reproducible problem on the site that you believe is due to a mistake, malfunction, or programming error.
Tags are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions. If your post at meta is about suggesting new tags, choosing correct tags for some question, suggestin…
when asking what is on- or off-topic on the main site, and why.
when you want to draw attention to a specific question on the main site. For example, if you want to draw high-rep users to close/reopen/edit a question, if you want to discuss the…
Comments are small addendums to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting.
Editing is a core, fundamental Stack Exchange value -- we allow editing by registered and unregistered users (if peer reviewed).
will be used to ask questions dealing with reputation.
343 questions
For questions about answers on the main site. Consider using the accepted-answer tag if the question is about an answer that has been accepted.
327 questions
For questions about the /review path where users can view and act on posts by other users that the system thinks may need attention.
306 questions
Questions specifically about the process of asking questions on this site.
Indicates that the report has been resolved through the implementation of a feature or the fixing of a bug.
Downvotes are the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Downvotes on meta may have different meanings.
The process by which users can vote a question closed if it is off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.
referring to the process of identifying and closing questions that are (abstract) duplicates of another question.
for questions about questions, answers and comments that have been deleted, or nominated for deletion.
254 questions
Flagging is the process of bringing a question, answer or comment to a community moderator's attention for any reason.
Users without full edit privileges can suggest edits to posts and tag wikis
222 questions
aimed for discussions about etiquette: how to behave on the site and the chat.
220 questions
A bounty is a way to get additional attention for a question by offering some of your own reputation for great answers.
203 questions
For instructions and guidance on closing or migrating questions, and the reasons for those closures.
195 questions
refers to all questions deleted from Stack Exchange sites. The tag 'specific-question' should also be used when referencing a specific question that has been deleted.
194 questions
Peer voting on questions and answers is the primary way users gain reputation, and also how many items are sorted to the top.
176 questions
For questions about built-in search functionality of this site and about searching this site using external search engines.
174 questions
For talking about questions which have been closed.
The user interface elements and web pages that make up this site.
164 questions
Badges are awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.
For questions concerning the management of tags on both the main site and meta. Common topics include the merging of tags, and making tags synonyms of one another.
Questions about diamond (♦) moderators, their powers, and actions they have taken.
154 questions
For questions on Mathematics Stack Exchange policies.
141 questions
The accepted answer is the answer the question owner thought best met their needs. Accepting is encouraged but never required. This tag is for *discussing* issues related to accepted answers, not indi…
For questions concerning using images in questions, image hosting etc.
132 questions
Refers to user accounts either generically, or across the network.
115 questions
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