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Questions tagged [tags]

For questions about the behavior or usage of tags, which are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.

3 votes
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Questions tagged with a synonym of a tag and closed by a user with a gold badge for the master tag incorrectly show the synonym in the close notice

The situation is very likely related to Questions migrated to localized meta sites get the [discussion] tag in English even if it's synonymized to the localized tag equivalent But in this case ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

“Top users” and “Learn more ...” pages are empty

Clicking on “Top users” or “Learn more ...” in the question list for a tag displays an empty page. This happens on multiple sites (for example on Meta Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, Mathematics ...
Martin R's user avatar
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3 votes
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Broken behavior for unmerged tag synonym when there's no questions with target tag

Here on MSE I found the tag that has a synonym but the there's no questions with target tag. That's how it look on tag synonyms page: On mouse over you can see the tooltip "This tag does not ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
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Synonyms in related tags list

There's an old report Tag synonyms shouldn't be listed in Related Tags on the sidebar marked as completed more than 10 years ago. Now we have faced with the same thing again for synonymized but ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What can/should we do about the homepage currently being flooded by 'housekeeping'?

Right now, staff members are performing a cleanup of various status-review and status-deferred tags for functionality which is no longer supported (think legacy Jobs, Winter Bash). While some ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why is blocked tags list only allowed to edit by the staff, but not on site moderators level? [duplicate]

Modify the list of blocked tags is only possible by the staff as mentioned here. What the problem we can face if we allow to make it on site's moderators level? Is there something other than technical ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-51 votes
15 answers

Upcoming sign-up experiments related to tags

In April, we shared that we had been conducting sign-up experiments on Stack Overflow and found positive results. These were centered around simplifying the typical sign-up flow and experience. Our ...
SpencerG's user avatar
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5 votes
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Incorrect processing of "Enter" press on tag merge

In tag merge tool (available to site moderators) it's possible to select target tag from dropdown list, e.g.: You can use either mouse or keyboard to confirm the choice. Unfortunately if you use a ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
11 votes
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Tags disappeared after edit

I don't know how to repro, but I observed one case of tags that disappeared after an edit on this post. Refreshing the page fixed the issue, but that's still unexpected. I was using the latest ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
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No margin between tags in the search results on

If you search for anything on, the results show tags that are way too close together. Surely a result of other recent changes to tag rendering.
testing-for-ya's user avatar
13 votes
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Some tags in “Top Questions” in “Network Profile” have different colors for their font

See my network profile for top questions: See the bug, status-completed, and email tags. They have a weird blue color in their tags’ font and they don’t like the color of their tags’ font in Meta ...
user1176409's user avatar
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45 votes
1 answer

Markdown code for tags in older posts is rendered as text

We were able to add tags in a post using a special syntax, like this [tag:example]. For older posts, they don't appear as tags anymore. Instead they are rendered as hypertext links. This bug is "...
pinckerman's user avatar
16 votes
0 answers

What happend with tags? [duplicate]

Is it new tag design? The whole style of tags is changed: font, colors, filling ... That's how it looked before, e.g. on ruSO.meta And now it looks like that: I didn't find any new related ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
189 votes
12 answers

All tag labels suddenly appear in bold font

On all the sites, the tag names started appearing bold in the last 15 or so minutes. Looks rather garish. Is this some new un-announced feature release? For example: One of the worst affected pieces ...
Dan Mašek's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

When a tag is removed, why isn't it removed from watchlists?

Recent activity in New Caledonia (and the closure of the airport) made me wonder if there were any recent questions in the air-calin tag on Travel. It's one of my watched tags, so I clicked it and -- ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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