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Questions tagged [touch-screen]

For questions about using Stack Exchange sites by Touch Input or Screens.

7 votes
0 answers

Raise on-screen keyboard on touchscreen devices after image upload

Right after the image is uploaded to the site, i.e. "Add picture" is clicked, we see the text "enter image description here". That text is selected so the following keyboard input ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Tapping on username while commenting after @ symbol with a high probability leads to invalid system response on touch screen devices

It's very hard to correctly select user name while commenting on mobile devices. Even when tap is marked inside the tooltip with username, as the result system decided that I tapped on the link from ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Unable to view exact view count on questions with many views on touchscreen devices

For questions with many views (when a suffix is used) there isn't any way to get the exact view count on touchscreen devices. E.g.: On devices when the mouse pointer is available you can see the ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet is not supported on mobile devices - time to reconsider it

There have been a couple of cases when I wanted to write an answer on my iPhone and ran into non-working stack snippets editor, only to be greeted with magnificent error: not supported on mobile. Well,...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k
6 votes
1 answer

UpDown buttons cover the text in answer ordering combobox

On mobile devices (e.g. iPad) UpDown buttons cover the text in answer ordering combobox: It seems that such buttons could be painlessly removed at all on touchscreen devices.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How long has swipe left/right been a feature?

I use a Mac touchpad and only by accident discovered that a two-fingered swipe left or right navigates between topics. How long has this been a feature and what exactly does it do in terms of ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Show "Tap to show spoiler" message for spoilers in responsive design

Related question: Should mobile ask for taps on spoilers, not clicks?, but that is about the (deprecated) mobile web interface, not the new responsive design. This feature request is related but ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes
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Search bar’s tooltip popup hasn’t closing on tapping on many areas

When the top bar tooltip for the search is visible tapping anywhere on marked with FHRC areas doesn’t close the tooltip (FHBC) on my iPad:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

No (convenient) way to change targets order for duplicate on touch screen devices

If you’re a mod or have a gold-tag-badge you can close questions as duplicates of others and modify the list of such targets by clicking “edit” link under the list of target questions. On platforms ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to insert image by link using touch devices?

In new image insertion dialog there is no explicit “insert image by link” action. As far as I know it’s possible by using keyboard insert hot keys like Ctrl+V on Windows. Is there a way to insert ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Snippet editor for touch devices can be opened if you show perseverance

Opening a code snippet editor via the button from the toolbar cannot be used on touch screen devices like my iPad, i.e. I see the following notice: But occasionally tapping code snippet button ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
28 votes
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Clicking on a spoiler tag to reveal the text shouldn't navigate you to another page

This is an issue I noticed when reading this answer. On multiple occasions I ended up inadvertently clicking a link that I could not see when I was just trying to reveal the spoiler text. Can links ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
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15 votes
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Un-fade low-score answers on click/tap too

Since a couple of weeks ago, answers that are shown grayed out can be un-faded by hovering the mouse over them. This is great especially for users with poor eyesight, who can now read such answers ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Tooltips don't show with (some) touchscreens

I've been visiting SO for a while now on my Surface Pro 3. The Surface Pen is a stylus supposed to act like a mouse, so when hovering on an element, tooltips should show. But this doesn't appear to ...
unbindall's user avatar
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Flagging and up-voting comments in not possible on the Surface tablet [duplicate]

On desktop devices, the buttons to flag or like a comment appear when you hover over it. However on my Surface, I cannot hover over it but I am on the desktop site, meaning I cannot flag or up vote ...
Ben Johnson mk2's user avatar

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