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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a …
28069 questions
A request for assistance with one of the site's features.
11195 questions
indicates a reproducible problem on the site that you believe is due to a mistake, malfunction, or programming error. Questions with this tag are NOT automatically brought to the attention of…
7843 questions
for proposals of new features on the site, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the propose…
7418 questions
It indicates that the report has been resolved through the implementation of a feature or the fixing of a bug.
Tags are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.
For questions about the /review path where users can view and act on posts by other users that the system thinks may need attention.
should be used when you ask a question on meta that is referencing question(s) on the main site. For example, if you have a question about why questions on Stack Overflow are of such…
For questions about the process of editing, how edits work, and other general inquiries about the edit system, use this tag.
used to query the community on the specifics of a particular question asked on Stack Overflow or its Meta.
1858 questions
for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.
For question regarding the design of the Stack Overflow website, e.g. for issues with the layout, use this tag.
For questions about the flagging process, how flags are handled, etc., use this tag.
NOT for questions about the new Jobs product introduced in 2024. For questions and issues concerning the former Jobs tab on the main Stack Overflow site, which was fully removed in 2022.
1471 questions
Comments are small addendum to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting, and second-class citizens.
1424 questions
Questions flagged as duplicate, and what are, or are not, good reasons to do so.
Users without full edit privileges can suggest edits to posts and tag wikis.
for requests to replace one tag with another existing tag. It also applies to requests that one tag should be merged into another, or simply abandoned.
for questions about the now phased out Stack Overflow Documentation feature. For posts relating to help pages (documentation for the site itself), use [help-center] instead.
1373 questions
Requests to have a tag "burninated" (or deleted) from the system. Use for both requesting a removal, as well as discussing if a tag needs removal. Read the tag wiki for more details.
A request to add one tag as the synonym of another tag. Please be specific about which tag should be a synonym of which. Bidirectional synonyms and cycles are implicitly disallowed, so suggest wisely.
Reputation is a measurement of a user's contributions to the site, and the extent to which the community "trusts" that user with extra privileges.
when examining what is on-topic or off-topic, and why.
for questions specific to downvotes, the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Downvotes on the Meta site have different meanings to on the main site.
Test items in review queues that are designed to help new reviewers hone their moderation skills, while nudging more experienced users that don't seem to be paying close attention to what they're revi…
856 questions
Indicates that the feature request will not be implemented, or that a bug will not be fixed at present time.
Voting to close is the process by which users can vote to close a question as off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the FAQ.
for questions specifically about the process of asking questions on Stack Overflow.
For instructions and guidance on closing or migrating questions, and the reasons for those closures, use this tag.
Use for questions about why a specific post or comment flag was declined. It is best to include a link to the post whose flag was declined, as well as the reason for flagging the post/comment.
777 questions
for questions about the user profile page, which contains a list of all the questions, answers, and an audit trail of the user's activity on the site.
Badges are awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.
For questions related to specific review audits that appear to be faulty or with which you disagree.
701 questions
Indicates that the reported behavior is intentional and not subject to change
675 questions
Anything related to posts of low quality, such as flagging posts for "very low quality", or the low quality answers review task.
674 questions
for general questions about questions that have been closed because they are off-topic or otherwise do not meet the criteria defined in the FAQ.
668 questions
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