Promote your brand by driving engagement at offline, online, or hybrid events

Worldwide Brands Using myQuiz
How myQuiz helps brand promotion?
  • 1
    A real-time trivia quiz captivates your audience, empowering you to deliver brand messages in a highly effective native advertising format
  • 2
    Incentivisation mechanism helps to collect important props for future sales and marketing efforts
We’ve got all you need:
Multiple Ad Formats
Promote your brand integrating multiple banners,
coupons, slides and surveys
Multiple Ad Formats
Data Collection & Retargeting
Learn more about your audience and export data
for further Marketing outreach. Integrate Facebook
Pixel and Google Analytics to run retargeting
and lookalike campaigns
Multiple Ad Formats
Branding Customization
Deliver consistent brand experience with user
interface customization up to full White Label solution
Success stories
Vodafone in-stadium Digital Fan Engagement
Over 13,000 soccer fans competed for prizes playing myQuiz during ...
Jim Beam brand promotion with Live host, TV studio and Youtube
DeKuyper organizes an online pub quiz in the Netherlands ...
ATP Tennis TV fans engagement
ATP Tennis TV used myQuiz to run a tennis quiz for their fans ...
Let’s discuss how we can help you
Let’s discuss how we can help you
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