Experian Netherlands

Experian Netherlands

IT-services en consultancy

The Hague, South Holland 1.095 volgers

Over ons

We are the world’s leading global information services company. During life’s big moments – from buying a home or a car, to sending a child to college, to growing a business by connecting with new customers – we empower consumers and our clients to manage their data with confidence. We help individuals to take financial control and access financial services, businesses to make smarter decisions and thrive, lenders to lend more responsibly, and organisations to prevent identity fraud and crime. We have 16,500 people operating across 39 countries and every day we’re investing in new technologies, talented people and innovation to help all our clients maximise every opportunity. We are listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and are a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. Learn more at www.experianplc.com or visit our global content hub at our global news blog, for the latest news and insights from the Group.

IT-services en consultancy
Meer dan 10.000 werknemers
The Hague, South Holland


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    1.095 volgers

    As a Consumer Information Bureau, we collect information from businesses and make it available under strictly regulated laws. This data is used by companies to make better business decisions to protect both businesses and consumers.   This way we: 🤝 Promote responsible lending to consumers ⚠️ Help reduce risks associated with lending 🌍 Promote financial inclusion 🚫 Help prevent over indebtedness To learn more, watch our video about Experian Netherlands or visit: https://lnkd.in/dGGAKGwS   #ExperianNetherlandsConsumer

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    1.095 volgers

    Neem deze week deel aan Innovation Summit 2024 | Lead the Future. Onze experts en gastsprekers zullen dieper ingaan op trends in de sector en lichten toe hoe het gedrag van bedrijven en consumenten is geëvolueerd. 💡 Schrijf je nu in voor dit gratis online event op 29 mei en kom meer te weten over het belang van technologie in ons dagelijks leven en de invloed ervan op bedrijven.  De volledige agenda en het inschrijvingsformulier kan je terugvinden op onze website: https://lnkd.in/eDPp3-KE #LeadTheFuture #InnovationSummit #ExperianInnovationSummit 

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    1.095 volgers

    Lead the Future! Registreer je nu voor onze online Innovation Summit op 29 mei 2024 🚀 Tijdens dit gelivestreamd event worden de nieuwste trends op vlak van AI, economie, data en analytics onder de loep genomen. Onze experts Benidine De Kock, Buse Hanci & Leandro Guerra zullen hun inzichten delen en toelichten hoe je technologische vooruitgang kan gebruiken om het leven te verbeteren. Schrijf je nu in op onze website voor dit gratis event: https://lnkd.in/eDPp3-KE #LeadTheFuture #InnovationSummit #ExperianInnovationSummit

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    Lead the Future! Register for Experian’s free online Innovation Summit taking place on 29 May 2024 🚀   This live-streamed event will explore the latest trends in AI, economics, data, analytics, and the future of business.   To empower you to Lead the Future, we have teamed up with subject matter experts in various fields. Our speakers will delve into emerging trends and enlighten you on how you can leverage technological advancements to make tomorrow better than today.   🗓️ Register now: https://lnkd.in/d6DWh_y6   #ExperianInnovationSummit #LeadTheFuture

    Experian Innovation Summit 2024 - Digital Conference

    Experian Innovation Summit 2024 - Digital Conference


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Experian Netherlands, afbeelding

    1.095 volgers

    Experian Nederland: kredietinformatiebureaus beter begrijpen   Bij Experian Nederland begrijpen we de cruciale rol van betrouwbare informatie in de huidige snelle financiële wereld. Het is onze missie om, als toonaangevend Kredietinformatiebureau, de kloof tussen bedrijven en consumenten te overbruggen door middel van verantwoord gegevensbeheer.   🔍 Onze rol als kredietinformatiebureau: Verantwoorde leningen vergemakkelijken: wij stellen kredietverstrekkers in staat tot het nemen van weloverwogen beslissingen, fraude te verminderen en consumenten te ondersteunen bij verantwoord lenen.   Risicoverlaging: onze producten en diensten bieden ondersteuning bij het beperken van kredietrisico’s. Dit komt ten goede van zowel bedrijven als consumenten.   Bevorderen van financiële inclusiviteit: wij geloven in gelijke financiële kansen voor iedereen. Met onze informatie ondersteunen we klanten bij het verstrekken van een lening op een manier die financiële inclusiviteit in Nederland bevordert.   Voorkomen van problematische schulden: door het bieden van inzichten en informatie aan onze klanten, helpen en beschermen wij consumenten bij het voorkomen van onverantwoorde leningen.   🔐 Jouw gegevens en privacy: Jouw gegevens worden alleen gedeeld onder de strikt gereguleerde voorwaarden en conform de vereisten van de AVG.   Meer weten over de informatie die wij over jou hebben? Dat is heel eenvoudig: ga naar onze website en klik op ‘consumenteninformatie’ voor een overzicht met jouw persoonlijke gegevens.   Voor een meer gedetailleerd overzicht in hoe wij jouw gegevens beschermen, kom je met één klik terecht op ons privacybeleid: https://lnkd.in/d4Gm4xiv #ExperianNederland #FinancieeleGezondheid

    • https://www.experian.nl/consumenten-informatie/privacyverklaring-consumenten
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Experian Netherlands, afbeelding

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    Better understand credit information bureaus At Experian Netherlands, we understand the critical role of reliable information in today’s fast-paced financial world. As a leading Consumer Information Bureau, our mission is to bridge the gap between businesses and consumers through responsible data management. 🔍 Our Role as a Credit Information Bureau: Facilitating Responsible Lending: We empower lenders to make informed decisions, reduce fraud and help consumers lend responsibly. Risk Reduction: Our products and services help mitigate lending risks, benefiting both businesses and consumers. Promoting Financial Inclusion: We believe in equal financial opportunities for all, and our data aids helps our clients lend in a way that promotes financial inclusion in the Netherlands. Preventing Over-Indebtedness: By providing insights and information to clients, we help them and protect consumers avoid irresponsible lending. 🔐 Your Data and Privacy: Your data is only shared under strictly regulated conditions and according to GDPR. If you want to better understand the information we hold about you, it’s easy to find out. Simply visit our website and click the “Consumenteninformatie” button for your personal data overview. Our Privacy Policy explains how we safeguard your information: https://lnkd.in/d4Gm4xiv #ExperianNetherlands #FinancialHealth #DataTransparency

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    Herman Peeters, Senior Global Consultant, and Maryna Russell, Sales Director, from Experian Nederland presented at Credit Expo Nederland 2023 in the Netherlands today! They led an engaging talk on "Sustainably Credit Management" amidst the reality of fraud affecting companies in the credit and financial industries. Thanks to all who joined us and visited our booth — your interest fuels our drive for excellence in #CreditManagement and #FraudPrevention. For more information about Experian, visit www.experian.nl #CreditExpo #Innovation #Experian

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    🏆 We're ecstatic to announce that Experian Netherlands has won the VVCM Credit Management Innovation Award! A huge thank you to the jury for recognizing our cutting-edge AI/ML fraud prevention solution, Aidrian, presented by Martijn Kruizinga Aidrian represents our commitment to innovative, cloud-based fraud solutions, offering businesses a 99.9% accuracy in transaction identification while enhancing the customer experience. This accolade is a testament to Experian’s dedication to excellence in sustainable credit management practices. Thank you to everyone who supported us on this journey! #CreditExpo #Innovation #Experian

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    Yesterday, the Experian Netherlands team gathered with great energy and motivation to celebrate our achievements from the past six months and set the stage for the upcoming half year. Andy Rich, our MD for Northern Europe, briefed us on our performance and set the scene for the day. Chief Commercial Officer, Bo Rasmussen along with several colleagues, inspired unity and dedication to our clients through our core values. Maryna Russell celebrated a few of our team's highlight milestones and achievements, while Head of HR, Lone Røssel emphasized the importance of having a growth mindset in all our endeavors. The day culminated in a collaborative Lego-inspired team-building session, reflecting our commitment to teamwork and innovation. Here's to an exciting second half of the year! #UniquelyExperian #CollaborateToCelebrate 🌟

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