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Tree mark ^0.4.3

The tree mark produces tree diagrams using the tree transform. It is a composite mark, consisting of a link to render links from parent to child, an optional dot for nodes, and one or two text for node labels. The link mark uses the treeLink transform, while the dot and text marks use the treeNode transform.

For example, here is a little family tree of Greek gods.

  axis: null,
  height: 100,
  margin: 10,
  marginLeft: 40,
  marginRight: 120,
  marks: [
    Plot.tree(gods, {textStroke: "white"})

Here gods is an array of slash-separated paths, similar to paths in a file system. Each path represents the hierarchical position of a node in the tree.

gods = [

As a more complete example, here is a visualization of a software package hierarchy.

  axis: null,
  margin: 10,
  marginLeft: 30,
  marginRight: 160,
  width: 688,
  height: 1800,
  marks: [
    Plot.tree(flare, {path: "name", delimiter: ".", textStroke: "white"})

The treeLayout option specifies the layout algorithm. The tree mark uses the Reingold–Tilford “tidy” tree algorithm, d3.tree, by default. The cluster convenience method sets treeLayout to d3.cluster, aligning the leaf nodes.

  axis: null,
  margin: 10,
  marginLeft: 30,
  marginRight: 160,
  width: 688,
  height: 2400,
  marks: [
    Plot.cluster(flare, {path: "name", treeSort: "node:height", delimiter: ".", textStroke: "white"})

Here is an example of a custom treeLayout implementation, assigning node.x and node.y.

function indent() {
  return (root) => {
    root.eachBefore((node, i) => {
      node.y = node.depth;
      node.x = i;

This produces an indented tree layout.

  axis: null,
  inset: 10,
  insetRight: 120,
  round: true,
  width: 200,
  height: 3600,
  marks: Plot.tree(flare, {
    path: "name",
    delimiter: ".",
    treeLayout: indent,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    curve: "step-before",
    textStroke: "none"

The tree mark currently does not inform the default layout; you may find it necessary to set the height and margin layout options for readability.

Tree options

The following options are supported:

  • fill - the dot and text fill color; defaults to node:internal
  • stroke - the link stroke color; inherits fill by default
  • strokeWidth - the link stroke width
  • strokeOpacity - the link stroke opacity
  • strokeLinejoin - the link stroke linejoin
  • strokeLinecap - the link stroke linecap
  • strokeMiterlimit - the link stroke miter limit
  • strokeDasharray - the link stroke dash array
  • strokeDashoffset - the link stroke dash offset
  • marker - the link start and end marker
  • markerStart - the link start marker
  • markerEnd - the link end marker
  • dot - if true, whether to render a dot; defaults to false if no link marker
  • title - the text and dot title; defaults to node:path
  • text - the text label; defaults to node:name
  • textStroke - the text stroke; defaults to white
  • textLayout - the text anchoring layout
  • dx - the text horizontal offset; defaults to 6
  • dy - the text vertical offset; defaults to 0

Any additional options are passed through to the constituent link, dot, and text marks and their corresponding treeLink or treeNode transform.

The textLayout option ^0.6.9 controls how text labels are anchored to the node. Two layouts are supported:

  • mirrored - leaf-node labels are left-anchored, and non-leaf nodes right-anchored
  • normal - all labels are left-anchored

If the treeLayout is d3.tree or d3.cluster, the textLayout defaults to mirrored; otherwise it defaults to normal.

tree(data, options)

Plot.tree(flare, {path: "name", delimiter: "."})

Returns a new tree mark with the given data and options.

cluster(data, options)

Plot.cluster(flare, {path: "name", delimiter: "."})

Like tree, except sets the treeLayout option to d3.cluster, aligning leaf nodes, and defaults the textLayout option to mirrored.