
creating voxel editor & game Avoyd, and open source software

  • 15 members
  • 90 posts
  • $15.95/month

Hi, we are Doug Binks and Juliette Foucaut and we develop our voxel editor, renderer and game Avoyd whilst providing contract services to the games industry. In the process we create and maintain open-source software for game developers and blog about it on our website.

Our hope with this patreon is that we will be able to dedicate more time to our game and open source projects. We would love to open source more of the code we've developed for Avoyd, along with making more videos, articles and content to go alongside these projects. We'd greatly appreciate your support. Feel free to get in touch with us on Mastodon @[email protected] or @[email protected]

Avoyd Voxel Editor and Game

Avoyd is a Voxel Editor able to handle large models and a six degrees of freedom movement Game with editable terrain.

Voxel Editor

The Voxel Editor is an art tool. It has the ability to create and work with large voxel worlds and display them in their entirety, explore, edit, render, export to polygon mesh, and use them to make custom worlds to play in.


We prototype and release various styles of gameplay as we develop the main game. More about the game on our website.


Open Source projects

Runtime Compiled C++

Runtime-Compiled C++ is a cross platform way to reliably make major changes to your C++ code at runtime and see the results immediately. It's aimed at games development but can be useful in any industry where turnaround times are a bottleneck. github.com/RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus/RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus Devlog: www.enkisoftware.com/devlog-rcc++

Lightweight Task Scheduler (enkiTS)

A permissively licensed lightweight C and C++ Task Scheduler for creating parallel programs. github.com/dougbinks/enkiTS Devlog: www.enkisoftware.com/devlog-enkits


Markdown for Dear ImGui github.com/juliettef/imgui_markdown


C, C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts: Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Material Design, Kenney game icons and Font Audio. github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders

Minecraft Importer (enkiMI)

A permissively licensed lightweight C and C++ Minecraft Importer library. github.com/dougbinks/enkiMI

enki Web Services (enkiWS)

Web Services for games developers on Python Google App Engine github.com/juliettef/enkiWS - the public repository is currently unavailable Demo: enkiws.appspot.com

Articles and Tutorials



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